"The Mystery of Why" offers a groundbreaking exploration of societal issues through the lens of trauma recovery. With compassion and intellectual rigor, the author examines the interplay between wokeism, Christianity, politics, and the fundamental questions of existence. Drawing on the insights of trauma recovery, this book delves into the depths of human experience, uncovering the ways in which personal and collective traumas shape our understanding of identity, belief systems, and social structures.

     Through a blend of personal narrative, scholarly analysis, and philosophical inquiry, "The Mystery of Why" illuminates the intricate connections between trauma, ideology, and the search for meaning. From examining the intersectionality of wokeism and social justice to grappling with the complexities of Christian faith in a changing world, this book offers a profound exploration of the human condition.

     As readers journey through its pages, they are invited to confront their own traumas, biases, and preconceptions, while gaining a deeper understanding of the forces that shape our society and individual lives. Ultimately, "The Mystery of Why" serves as a roadmap for navigating the complexities of contemporary existence with empathy, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Part I Original Sin
The concept of original sin is primarily associated with Christian theology, particularly within the teachings of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, and many Protestant denominations. It refers to the belief that all humans inherit a sinful nature or a tendency to sin as a result of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, the first humans, in the Garden of Eden.
According to the biblical narrative in the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve were created by God and placed in the Garden of Eden, where they were given the freedom to eat from any tree except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, they disobeyed God's command and ate from the forbidden tree, thereby committing the original sin.
As a consequence of their disobedience, it is said that they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, and the perfect harmony between humanity and God was disrupted.
Original sin is believed to have several consequences:
  1. Inherited Sinfulness:
    It is believed that as descendants of Adam and Eve, all humans are born with a sinful nature. This means that from birth, humans have a tendency to sin and are separated from God.

  2. Guilt and Condemnation:
    Original sin is seen as the reason for humanity's estrangement from God and the source of guilt and condemnation before God.

  3. Need for Redemption:
    Because of original sin, humans require redemption or salvation to reconcile with God and overcome the consequences of sin.
Christian theology holds that Jesus Christ, through his sacrificial death and resurrection, offers redemption from original sin and the opportunity for reconciliation with God. This concept of redemption forms a central tenet of Christian belief, emphasizing the importance of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
The Carrot and the Stick
The phrase "carrot and stick" is a metaphorical expression referring to a motivational approach that combines the use of rewards, the "carrot" and punishments, the "stick" to encourage desired behavior or discourage undesired behavior.
In this metaphorical context:
The "carrot" represents positive reinforcement or incentives offered to motivate someone to behave in a certain way. Carrots can take the form of rewards, benefits, praise, or any other form of positive reinforcement that encourages desired behavior. For example, a company might offer bonuses or promotions to employees who meet certain performance targets.
The "stick" represents negative reinforcement or consequences imposed to deter someone from engaging in undesirable behavior. Sticks can take the form of punishments, penalties, fines, criticism, or any other form of negative consequences that discourages undesired behavior. For example, a school might impose detention or suspension for students who break the rules.
The carrot-and-stick approach is commonly used in various contexts, including parenting, education, business management, and government policies, as a way to shape behavior and encourage compliance with rules or expectations.
However, it's worth noting that while this approach can be effective in certain situations, it may not always be the most appropriate or sustainable method of motivation, as it can sometimes lead to reliance on external rewards or fear of punishment rather than intrinsic motivation or genuine understanding of the good and bad behavior.
This is where parents often fall short in guiding their children. Instead of effectively instilling values of right and wrong, the mere reliance on reward and punishment fosters a culture of blind obedience driven by the fear of repercussions. Such an approach inadvertently promotes subservience rather than genuine understanding and moral growth.
The concept of original sin follows this pattern:
  1. You were born with a problem. (x)
  2. You suffer at the hand of an abuser because of this problem. (y)
  3. We hold the cure for your suffering. (z)
Using the carrot and the stick approach to dangle a reward over someone's head without ever fulfilling it, such as the promise of an afterlife, is a manipulative tactic that exploits the hopes and aspirations of individuals. By promising a desirable outcome as the carrot and simultaneously threatening punishment or withholding the reward as the stick, the manipulator exerts control over the person's actions and emotions.
This strategy creates a perpetual cycle of anticipation and disappointment, leading to frustration and a sense of powerlessness for the individual being manipulated. Ultimately, it erodes trust and damages relationships, highlighting the unethical nature of such behavior.
Abusive Marketing
Selling an item by tapping into the fundamental human pursuit of contentment involves understanding how emotions and needs drive decisions. Here’s how you can apply this understanding through the "carrot and stick" concept to create a compelling reason for someone to buy a pen, by presenting it as not just a tool, but a key to solving a problem they hadn't fully recognized before.
  1. Identify the Desire for Contentment.
    First, acknowledge that at the core of every decision, including purchasing decisions, is the desire for contentment or satisfaction. People are motivated to move away from discomfort (the stick) and toward pleasure or fulfillment (the carrot). Your job is to frame the pen in a way that appears as a means to achieve such contentment.

  2. Create the Need.
    Next, subtly introduce a problem or need that your audience might not have been acutely aware of until now. This could involve highlighting a gap in their life, such as the inability to capture fleeting thoughts, the embarrassment of always asking others for a pen, or the missed opportunity of not jotting down a life-changing idea. The key is to amplify a common scenario where the absence of a reliable pen has or could lead to discomfort or dissatisfaction.

  3. Present the Pen as the Solution.
    Now that you've established a need or problem, introduce the pen as the ultimate solution. This pen isn’t just any pen—it's the bridge to contentment. It's reliable, always there when you need it, and it ensures that your thoughts, ideas, and expressions are captured promptly and elegantly. Emphasize how this pen can prevent the discomfort of forgotten ideas or the embarrassment of being unprepared, thus steering them toward the pleasure of being organized, prepared, and efficient.

  4. Promise Emotional Satisfaction.
    Take it a step further by promising not just the functional benefits of the pen but also the emotional satisfaction that comes with it. Owning this pen means being seen as someone who is meticulous, prepared, and serious about their ideas and responsibilities. It's about the feeling of confidence when you pull out this elegant pen in a meeting or the sense of joy in knowing you can always capture your creative thoughts.

  5. Create Urgency
    Finally, introduce a sense of urgency or scarcity. Maybe this particular pen is a limited edition, or there’s a special offer that won’t last long. The fear of missing out can be a powerful motivator, acting as the "stick" pushing them toward making an immediate decision to purchase.
By framing the purchase of a pen not just as acquiring a simple tool but as moving toward contentment and away from discomfort, you appeal to the deep-seated desires and motivations that guide human behavior. The pen, in this scenario, becomes more than just an item—it's a vehicle for achieving a more content, organized, and efficient life.
Psychological Abuse
In the context of Original Sin, a true victim has been convinced of the existence of a problem and is marketed the solution. Employing the age-old tactic of the carrot and stick, they engage in psychological manipulation, fostering a state of discontent and desperation, only to proffer false hope as the remedy.
This orchestrated sequence constitutes a form of psychological abuse. A method by which obsessing over a cure existent or otherwise, hope for contentment and a better life, keeps its victim locked in mental slavery, willing to do and believe anything to hold on to that false hope. It forces them to live a delusional life where achieving their optimal life is extremely unlikely as they can no longer navigate this world using logic. You cannot act logically while deluded, your contentment becomes mere chance.
Even the most intelligent of our species are susceptible to the influence of fear and desperation. Every sentient being that has ever lived has been motivated by an intrinsic drive to seek safety and contentment. This drives every action and preference we have, serving as a guiding force in our pursuit of comfort and fulfillment. This is why you like the things you like and avoid the things you don’t. Innately, we harbor a longing for tranquility amidst life's turbulence and chaos, striving to uncover purpose and security amidst the complexities of existence.
Should there be a fundamental purpose to life, it is the attainment of contentment, the assurance of safety, and the fulfillment of our inherent imperative—to navigate the challenges of life while appreciating the chance to witness this incredible world.
Parenting within a framework of rewards and punishments leaves children with a lack of comprehensive understanding of the underlying rationale behind right and wrong. In the absence of such understanding, the reinforcement of abusive behaviors, whether directed towards oneself or others, can exacerbate and escalate over time. This escalation is driven by a neurological response wherein the brain interprets the receipt of rewards for abusive actions as reinforcement, thus perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
If you parent by punishment the child will begin to weigh the reward versus punishment while considering the likelihood of being caught. If the reward outweighs the punishment, and the likeliness of being caught is perceived as relatively low, then the negative behavior will likely still take place.
Teaching children about the consequences of their actions includes understanding the type of abuse they performed and its impact on others. By explaining why certain behaviors are wrong and who they harm, children's mental calculations shift. They begin to factor in the feelings of potential victims and realize the costs associated with their actions. This newfound awareness prompts them to consider the repercussions on the people around them.
The objective of an ideology rooted in the concept of original sin is to cultivate a state of mental enslavement, dependent on the promise of contentment. Once individuals are convinced of their inherent and inescapable victimhood, they struggle to find contentment within the world.
Individuals who endure frequent abuse often develop a sense of comfort in the familiarity of their abusive circumstances. This paradoxical attachment to abuse may prompt them to internalize harmful behaviors, engaging in self-destructive actions and inadvertently encouraging further abuse from others.
They may exhibit patterns of thought and behavior that defy logic, perpetuating a cycle of harm and dysfunction. They will unknowingly destroy their possessions and their close relationships, the people they need the most. In later stages of this condition, they will often feel a sense of an existent evil twin that seeks to destroy their life while they sleep.
The mentally ill individual may increasingly seek comfort in their suffering, like a dependency to an addictive drug. Just as sustenance is indispensable for the body, the attainment of contentment is imperative for the well-being of the mind. They become abuse addicts of which they are completely unaware. This is why we are seeing so many people today seemingly in love with their victimhood complex. They have become abuse junkies, competing in the oppression olympics.
The concept of original sin should be viewed through the lens of psychological manipulation and abuse. It insidiously undermines our sense of contentment by exposing us to and compelling us to incorrectly understand the evil in this world. This loss of contentment can induce an extreme sense of desperation, compelling individuals to pursue any means necessary to restore their equilibrium and attain a sense of wholeness and healing. This pursuit of restoration serves as the primary motivator underlying every decision we make.
Those who wield the promise of hope as a tantalizing, but unattainable prize possesses a potent tool for exerting control over others, the subjugation of slaves. Thus, they exploit this leverage, whether through the guise of an illogical religious doctrine, an oppressive governmental ideology, or the combined influence of both.
Part II Religion
There are two possible core beliefs for a sentient being. You are two things depending on perspective. You are an individual, unique human being, and you are also an integral part of this universe, woven into it. You are a collection of atoms standing on a collection of atoms hurling through the void of space.
The two possible core beliefs are:
  1. Individualism:
    Adhering solely to the perspective of individualism, wherein self-worship prevails, fosters division, isolation, and ultimately, discontent. Such a stance epitomizes selfishness, a childlike worldview fixated solely on the self. In essence, this perspective embodies a form of spiritual "Satanism," defined by its narrow focus on the self as the focal point of existence. Your god is yourself; you worship the human body to an obsessive level.

  2. Collectivism:
    Embracing the perspective of collective unity fosters a profound sense of belonging within the vast expanse of the universe and among its inhabitants. This holistic viewpoint offers an assurance of safety, peace, and contentment within our world, imbuing life with purpose and fostering harmonious relationships within the familial and social spheres. You fully understand and want to participate in and care for the entirety of this universe and all the life in it because it is you.
This perspective serves as a rejection of all original sin ideologies and religious doctrines. It enables individuals to transcend self-centered viewpoints, facilitating a broader understanding of the world beyond oneself. Through this lens, individuals gain the capacity to journey inward and find their place in the universe, they find their purpose.
We have transcended our basic instincts and no longer need to behave out of fear and desperation. Unlike wolves or lions, we can use logic to understand our world.
Satanism, as a religious or philosophical belief system, encompasses a range of interpretations and practices. However, it's important to distinguish between Satanism as a formal religious movement and the broader concept of selfishness.
In many contexts, Satanism is associated with the worship or veneration of Satan, often depicted as a rebellious figure opposed to traditional religious values, particularly those of Christianity. However, modern Satanism, particularly as articulated by organizations like the Church of Satan and The Satanic Temple, often rejects the literal belief in Satan as a deity and instead emphasizes individualism and personal autonomy. Their individual characteristics are paramount, identity politics reign supreme. Their god is self, the individual.
In this context, Satanism may be associated with selfishness insofar as it prioritizes the individual's desires, needs, and autonomy.
It’s worth mentioning that selfishness itself is a complex concept. While it often carries negative connotations, it's important to recognize that self-interest and self-care are natural and necessary aspects of human behavior. However, when selfishness involves disregarding the well-being or rights of others, it can lead to harmful consequences and ethical concerns. Notably, taking care of self to give the collective the opportunity to enjoy the best version of you is not a selfish act.
To engage in the seven deadly sins is to engage in Satanism, the self-worshipping of the individual. Satanism is a completely curable mental illness. When we abuse someone else, we are abusing the universe itself. We're all interconnected, made of the same elements. Mistreating another person is mistreating a part of yourself because of this interconnectedness.
Such self-harm doesn't align with logical principles, disrupting the natural flow of the universe. To act against the natural order of this universe is to sin against God. God being everything that has and ever will exist, life itself. You are grinding the gears of this world and how it must be to exist, and that will always lead you to a suboptimal life.
If you choose to mistreat someone, expect a negative response in return. This action diminishes your potential for a fulfilling life. Your conduct invites chaos and diminishes contentment. Rather than embracing positivity, your harmful behavior taints experiences with negativity, an unnecessary blow to your well-being. Your suffering is a direct result of your actions and behavior, a pattern often associated with extreme narcissism, Satanism, a form of mental illness that convinces you of and keeps you in a victimhood mentality.
Satanists constantly need to feel victimized, reinforcing their belief that genuine change, and consequently happiness, is unachievable. This conviction renders any attempt at meaningful change futile. They deflect accountability for their own suffering, unwilling to accept responsibility as they dread the prospect of additional burdens in life. In their mundane existence, they struggle to handle even the simplest tasks, often succumbing to the paralyzing grip of depression, hopelessness, and the fear of failure.
Once someone is convinced of victimhood, they begin to find familiarity in this self-imposed abuse, they begin to need their victimhood like a drug addiction. Their pervasive narcissism intertwines with the creation of a hierarchical structure of oppression. Their rabid desire is to claim the title of the ultimate victim, seeking an incessant flow of validation to their destroyed well-being through sorrow and pity. They become energy vampires, toxic human beings, monsters in our physical world.
The Woke Ideology
The theological notion of original sin, while closely associated with Christianity, transcends religious boundaries as a concept that predates and extends beyond any particular faith tradition. Its conceptual essence persists independent of religious affiliation, enduring as a fundamental idea throughout human contemplation of existence.
Whether regarded as factual or metaphorical, the concept of original sin persists as an eternal philosophical construct, representing the inherent imperfection or propensity towards moral wrongdoing attributed to humanity. While Christianity utilizes original sin as a cornerstone of its doctrinal framework, it remains a malleable concept accessible to utilization by diverse ideological frameworks. The concept of original sin has always existed independent of Christianity and has been adopted by other insidious ideologies.
Wokeism is an ideological framework used by four distinct sub-ideologies:
  1. Social Justice
  2. Feminism
  3. Gay Pride
  4. Fat Acceptance
Despite their apparent diversity, the arguments propagated within each of these ideologies often follow a strikingly similar pattern of psychological abuse. At their essence, they represent different manifestations of the same underlying concept—an acceptance of the notion of original sin through a self-centered perspective. You are convinced that you were born a victim.
Wokeism effectively pushes the concept of original sin back one level to the self thereby excluding the concept of a god. However, it remains fundamentally rooted in the concept of original sin, employing the same dynamic of reward and punishment—the proverbial carrot and the stick. Consequently, Wokeism perpetuates a form of psychological abuse, leveraging guilt and coercion to shape beliefs and behaviors.
Social Justice propagates the notion that individuals belonging to minority groups are inherently victimized by birth, attributing their plight to systemic racism. It frames the vast majority of their peers as their primary antagonist. While they are told that the rejection of this ideology is the admittance of being a racist, they now see outsiders as their enemy, their barricade to contentment.
Feminism advances the belief that women are inherently disadvantaged from birth, portraying patriarchy as their primary oppressor. It asserts that only feminism possesses the solution to redress this oppression and provide women with empowerment and equality. While they are told that the rejection of this ideology is the admittance that you are a misogynist, they now see outsiders as their enemy, their barricade to contentment.
Members of the LGBTQ+ community are led to believe that their sexual orientation is innate, rendering them victims from birth. This narrative frames God and heterosexuals as their oppressors, with only gay pride holding the recipe for their societal marginalization and discrimination. While believing that rejecting Gay Pride is the admittance that you are homophobic, they now see outsiders as their enemy, their barricade to contentment.
Fat acceptance followers are often led to believe that their body size is predetermined from birth, positioning them as victims of their genetic predisposition. Diet culture and beauty standards are portrayed as their primary antagonists, and it is said that only fat acceptance holds the key to address their struggles with weight and body image. While believing that rejecting Fat Acceptance is to be fatphobic, they now see outsiders as their enemy, their barricade to contentment.
Social Justice
Original Sin: You were born into a racial minority.
Problem: You are held back by the injustice of systemic racism.
Carrot: The eradication of racism and bigotry in the future.
Stick: Failure to become an activist for the cause will ensure your future suffering as the rejection of this ideology is to be a racist.

Once a victim has been created, they are very unlikely to reach their optimal life. They become obsessed with their perceived suffering and obsessed with the cure that they have been convinced is just out of their reach, while otherwise positive experiences in their life go completely unnoticed. They begin to perceive a life of unfairness, sensing an injustice that has deprived them of what they rightfully deserve. They now live with positivity blinders on, motivated only by anger and revenge.
Racism and Bigotry
The true definition of racism is simply this: the differential treatment of individuals based solely on their race. It doesn’t matter if that difference is perceived as positive or negative. The simple act of differential treatment satisfies the condition of racism and can negatively affect both the perpetrator and the victim.
Redefining racism to encompass privilege and power is an effort to placate a specific religion—Wokeism. In their pursuit of a scapegoat, they've manipulated the definition of racism to exclude the very race they seek to target, exemplifying actual racism.
The eradication of racism within our species is an unattainable goal, as it is deeply ingrained within our biological makeup as a defense mechanism developed over our evolutionary history. Our innate inclination to seek safety and familiarity in those who resemble ourselves is a fundamental survival strategy that has endured through time across all social species. Promises to eliminate this intrinsic trait are inherently deceptive, as we cannot just make it disappear overnight.
Addressing racism does not entail pushing the narrative that minorities are perpetually victimized. Such a stance constitutes a form of psychological abuse. Convincing someone in this world of victimhood sentences them to a life of mental slavery and discontent—an endless chase for a cure that can never exist.
Likewise, ignoring the issue altogether is not a viable solution either. The key to combating racism lies in a coherent explanation of its origins and mechanisms through the lens of science and biology. Just as one's eye color is interesting and unique but insignificant, so too is a person's race.
Critical Race Theory being taught in schools is actively teaching children racism. It attempts to make them obsess over the individual characteristics we are born with, placing these characteristics above all else, and discourages placing anything above themselves. While claiming to combat racism, it actually preaches individualism, selfishness, and Satanism to our children. Unknowingly, we stand by and allow it to happen, no longer able to use our ignorance of this ideology as a valid excuse to let it spread.
The trajectory of the woke agenda toward advocating for segregation, as evidenced by trends observed on college campuses, is rooted in its reinforcement of self-preservation. Segregation fosters an environment where individuals are more likely to reproduce within their own racial groups, resulting in clearer delineations of racial identities and societal boxes. This aids Wokeism and identity politics so the wedge of racism and division can do its job more cleanly and precisely.
Resistance to racial mixing stems from a desire to maintain these delineations, as intermingling blurs the lines and undermines efforts to instill animosity towards certain racial groups. The establishment of multi-cultural centers on college campuses during the formative years of mate selection reveals a deliberate attempt to discourage racial mixing. This trend is concerning because this line of thinking impedes evolutionary progress.
Encouraging relationships with individuals vastly different from oneself not only facilitates racial diversity but also enriches the gene pool, contributing to the advancement of our species by benefiting evolution. Therefore, the focus should not merely be on racial mixing but on fostering connections across diverse backgrounds and cultures across the planet to maximize genetic diversity and evolutionary potential.
Affirmative Action
Affirmative action, while aimed at promoting diversity and equal opportunity, introduces a contentious element into the hiring process whereby the competence of an individual can be overshadowed by their demographic characteristics. This uncertainty leaves employees questioning whether they secured a job based on their own merits or as a result of affirmative action policies.
Consequently, it undermines the principles of meritocracy, where individuals are recognized and rewarded based on their skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. This ambiguity fosters a sense of insecurity and doubt among employees, detracting from workplace morale and potentially fueling resentment among those who perceive themselves as being overlooked in favor of demographic quotas. In the pursuit of equality, affirmative action risks compromising the fundamental tenets of fairness and individual achievement in the professional sphere.
Affirmative action can inadvertently perpetuate psychological harm by denying individuals the gratification of truly belonging and feeling their skills are genuinely valued and needed. This deprivation of recognition undermines the ability to find contentment and pride in one's work. For men especially, this sense of fulfillment and being valued is crucial for their mental health and overall well-being. Similar to the war on drugs, affirmative action is a direct assault on the psychological well-being of black fathers, and by extension, black families.
Reparations warrant serious consideration, especially when acknowledging the real harmful impact of trauma and abuse on mental health. These experiences can shape every facet of an individual's decision-making process, often leading to both personal setbacks and enduring suffering. This trauma doesn't merely dissipate but instead cascades through generations, like a pernicious virus infecting subsequent family trees.
The Atlantic Slave Trade inflicted unimaginable horrors upon African people, leaving an indelible mark that persists across generations, influencing the lives of their descendants to this day.
This fundamental truth produces an ongoing disadvantage faced by minorities: it's not merely a comparison to their Caucasian counterparts but a deprivation of their own potential. Their plight lies not in comparison to others but in the thwarting of their own optimal selves, unable to realize their fullest potential and experience their best lives due to the enduring shackles of psychological abuse. Much like a slave who, even when freed from physical chains, may find themselves trapped by the psychological constraints ingrained by their oppressors, minorities often internalize and perpetuate their own limitations, inadvertently constraining their own progress.
But the impact of trauma extends beyond minority communities, permeating the descendants of veterans who endured the harrowing realities of war. The psychological scars inflicted by the horrors of combat reverberate through generations, affecting the mental well-being of subsequent family members.
While society often fixates on the visible consequences of war, such as death and physical injury, the psychological toll and the fragmentation of familial bonds are frequently overlooked. It's imperative to broaden our discourse to encompass the enduring psychological abuse inflicted by the trauma of war, acknowledging its far-reaching consequences on future generations.
Reparations could be efficiently allocated if we diverted resources from one less world conflict, facilitating a comprehensive mental health subsidy accessible to all individuals, irrespective of race. This subsidy would encompass a hundred percent coverage for mental health services, fostering an environment where seeking help is encouraged rather than stigmatized.
Recognizing the critical importance of mental health extends beyond individual well-being to the cohesion of families, communities, and the survival of our species. Neglecting mental health perpetuates a harmful cycle that poses a significant threat to our collective future, constituting a formidable barrier—the Great Filter—that our species must confront and overcome.
Original Sin: You were born female.
Problem: Patriarchy has put up a glass ceiling, keeping all women from having it all.
Carrot: An optimal life where you are no longer held back by the oppression of traditionalism and family responsibility.
Stick: To reject Feminism is to think, behave, and vote against your best interests.

Men and women are inherently different, each possessing unique attributes and capabilities. Any suggestion that they could or should become identical is absurd. Instead, their inherent differences contribute to a complementary relationship, as orchestrated by the natural process of evolution.
There is no right or wrong way to live, but there is an optimal way for a human being to conduct their life, whether you are male or female. And that optimal life will be filled with contentment, that is why it is desirable by the majority. Any deviation from this path will result in a suboptimal life because to think and behave illogically will always lead you to misery.
Failure to acknowledge the inherent differences between men and women will lead our species down a perilous path of extinction. As a society, we are almost too dumb to have sex and raise children. We’re too busy hating each other over meaningless physical characteristics that we can't control. Certain traditions endure because they have proven to be optimal for our societal and psychological well-being, and the foundation is a strong family unit.
The Family Unit
Certain aspects of feminism can have negative impacts on the family unit. One criticism is that feminism, particularly in its more extreme forms, promotes selfishness at the expense of traditional family values. By encouraging women to prioritize personal fulfillment and career aspirations over familial duties, feminism is seen as weakening the bonds that hold families together. This shift in priorities can lead to strained relationships within marriages and diminished commitment to traditional family roles.
The ideal family unit serves as a cornerstone for the well-being and fulfillment of each of its members, a sanctuary where individuals can feel protected from external threats and dangers. It fosters an environment where members can express themselves freely, share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment, and seek comfort and reassurance in times of distress or uncertainty.
This sense of safety creates a foundation upon which individuals can explore the world and navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience. We require safety as a child to have the courage and maturity to join adulthood. If a family unit is dysfunctional, the likeliness of this emotional maturing is drastically decreased, in more severe abusive situations, it’s impossible.
The ideal family unit cultivates a sense of emotional well-being and contentment among its members. Through unconditional love, empathy, and understanding, family members develop deep bonds of affection and connection that contribute to their overall happiness and satisfaction with life. These emotional ties provide a source of strength and support, enabling individuals to weather storms and celebrate triumphs together as a cohesive unit.
Additionally, the ideal family unit plays a crucial role in shaping an individual's values, beliefs, and identities. Within this intimate setting, children learn essential life skills, moral principles, and social norms from their parents and other family members. These teachings help instill a sense of purpose and direction in the individual's lives, guiding them in making ethical decisions and forming meaningful relationships beyond the family sphere.
Delaying parenthood as advocated by feminism is often portrayed as a compassionate choice, yet it may inadvertently deprive your child of precious moments to share life experiences with you. Every moment is fleeting, and by postponing parenthood, you risk squandering the invaluable time you could spend with your child as an adult.
A robust family structure should ideally encompass not only parents and children but also extend to include great-grandparents and grandparents. Within this nurturing environment, devoid of fear, desperation, guilt, and shame, children are given the opportunity to mature emotionally at an accelerated pace. By the time they reach puberty, they are better equipped to embrace the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood within their own peer group.
In a tightly knit familial setting where each member contributes to the collective well-being, young parents benefit from the wisdom and support of multiple generations, both emotionally and financially. Here, the birth of a child isn't solely the responsibility of two individuals struggling just to get by, but rather a collaborative effort of an entire family unit.
This dynamic yields numerous benefits, including maximizing the time children spend with their parents later in life, facilitating meaningful interactions between children and their great-grandparents, and fostering an environment where everyone can lead their lives without the burdensome anxiety of solitary survival.
Feminist ideologies also contribute to societal polarization by framing gender relations as a zero-sum power struggle. This perspective fosters resentment and division within families, as it pits men against women and undermines the mutual respect and cooperation necessary for healthy family dynamics.
Furthermore, certain feminist movements have been accused of devaluing the role of fathers and traditional masculinity, which can lead to a breakdown in familial authority structures. This erosion of paternal authority can result in confusion and conflict within families, as well as a lack of clear guidance and discipline for children. Chipping away at a man's well-being will eventually make him susceptible to psychological abuse, eroding his defenses as the shield for his family disintegrates.
The man’s role in a family is above all else to protect. But many men can only see the physical world, they can only recognize physical threats. Men should protect against physical abuse, but also the emotional and psychological abuses that he has to face on a daily basis out in the work force.
When work is stressful, he has the option of bringing that stress into his family’s lives or leaving it at work, ensuring the mental stability of his wife and children are never affected by these external threats.
That is true protection from a strong man, he protects from external abuses while a mother protects her children from the internal abuses that may arise during childhood. However, the role of father has largely been erased, especially in minority families by the delusion of the successful and independent single mother.
Undoubtedly, the family unit serves as the cornerstone of contentment and acceptance in society, this is what Feminism, Individualism, Satanism seeks to destroy.
Female Scarcity
In the context of reproduction, the scarcity of female eggs imbues them with intrinsic value, driving their worth in both biological and socio-economic terms. Unlike sperm, which are continually produced in large quantities throughout a man's lifetime, women are born with a finite number of eggs, typically released monthly during ovulation. This limited supply of eggs fuels their value in the reproductive process.
From a socio-economic perspective, the scarcity of female eggs has led to the development of reproductive technologies and industries that capitalize on their value. Assisted reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization often rely on the retrieval and fertilization of female eggs outside of the body, offering hope to individuals and couples struggling with infertility.
The demand for donor eggs in these procedures highlights the intrinsic value placed on female fertility and the scarcity of viable eggs for reproductive purposes. Feminism convinces women to ignore this intrinsic value, ultimately devaluing themselves and putting them on a path for a suboptimal life.
In the context of reproduction, women’s eggs are far more scarce and therefore more valuable than men’s biology. It’s a fact of life that men must accept. But it is important to note that this does not mean that women are intrinsically more valuable than men.
In the context of physical labor, physical protection, or even a sport, men are much more valuable. It’s not sexism as this religion would have you believe, it's just a biological fact of life that women must accept. And they have done so in the past with grace and humility, as gentlemen never held a spotlight over the differences between men and women, only cherished the kindness that women brought to this world. It used to be considered uncouth to compare the differences, as it is petty and futile, the childishness of Satanism.
A problem arises when men and women become delusional about their societal value. This delicate system begins to break down and birth rates start to plummet. To be convinced by an ideology that you are a perfect specimen of womanhood, that all your woes hinge on the opposite sex, you are only setting yourself up for failure and a suboptimal life.
Convinced of perfection, this insidious ideology prevents you from examining your own behavior, to never engage in self introspection. Disappointed in having to settle for an average man, you will always believe you deserve better. You will be left feeling unfulfilled in your own marriage. Feminism has led women to suffer because that is what Satanism does.
Gay Pride
Original Sin: You were born with a sexuality that conflicts with the natural process of evolution, and therefor, the species you depend on for survival.
Problem: This sexuality leads to ostracization and hinders acceptance within broader society.
Carrot: Societal acceptance of your lifestyle. What you have internalized as your core being.
Stick: Your innate self should guide your actions without constraint, even if it means going against societal norms. Denying this freedom would prevent you from being your true authentic self.

Homosexuality and transgenderism can often be traced back to experiences of childhood sexual violence and sexual abuse. Such trauma at a young age can lead to the hyper sexualization of the victim later in life or the nullification of their sexuality entirely. Contrary to the popular portrayal of the gay lifestyle as one of happiness and acceptance, homosexuality frequently involves experiences of sexual violence and abuse. That is how homosexuals are created, through child sex abuse, a tumultuous introduction to the concept of reproduction.
Individuals grappling with these experiences often endure feelings of confusion, shame, and embarrassment, as they suppress memories of their traumatic childhood. The belief in being born gay or transgender offers a convenient explanation, allowing individuals to avoid confronting their repressed memories. This narrative presents the path of least resistance in coming to terms with one's abuse, the cause of their homosexuality.
Struggling to establish the necessary sense of security for emotional growth into adulthood, individuals may find themselves fixating on the cult of individuality to an unhealthy degree, wherein even their own unique physical form feels insufficiently distinct. This fixation often manifests through unconventional alterations such as vibrant hair colors, oddly placed piercings, and intricate tattoos.
In these extreme cases of body modification, one's outward appearance becomes a window into their inner turmoil, revealing the depths of their emotional scars. By embracing such radical alterations, they signal a desire to distance themselves from collective norms, prioritizing personal desires over communal connection—a manifestation of extreme selfishness and individuality, they reject the species they are an intricate part of. They ostracize themselves.
Their infatuation with self-harm extends beyond physical alterations, extending into their interpersonal relationships. Those who engage in such extreme body modifications may perpetuate patterns of abuse, not only towards themselves but also towards those around them. Their tattoos becoming a sign they wear 24 hours a day alerting everyone that they have been so abused that they will now willingly abuse themselves. And they’re likely to abuse you too. Once you’ve put a tattoo on your body, you’ve put a target on your back for all the predatory narcissists to see.
Now that there is blood in the water, the sharks will come. A woman having tattoos, smoking, or doing any other abusive behavior publicly, signals to the subconscious of dubious men that she is familiar with abuse and will likely excuse theirs, becoming their new enabler. That is the reason why tattoos are a negative behavior, you have encouraged abusive people to be around you, making it more difficult to find and engage with people who will care for you and your well-being. That behavior will ultimately produce a less than optimal outcome.
Experiencing severe abuse at a young age can intertwine notions of sex and abuse, rendering them synonymous in the psyche. Consequently, it's observed that many gay men engage predominantly in abusive sexual encounters. The prevalence of infidelity in gay relationships often leads to an acceptance of open relationships as the norm, with individuals resigning themselves to this dynamic as the only viable option for partnership.
In certain instances, lesbian relationships can manifest as highly combative, characterized by frequent physical altercations and the adoption of traditionally masculine behaviors. The experience of sexual assault can undermine both masculinity and femininity, leading lesbians to gravitate towards activities traditionally associated with masculinity, such as participation in sports and adopting a more butch demeanor. Similarly, gay men may be drawn to activities such as makeup, drag shows, and even transgenderism as a means of self-expression of the pain locked in their mind.
The disproportionately high suicide rate among transgender individuals shows the extreme distress they experience in grappling with their identity. The extreme measures taken to alleviate this distress, including suicide, reflect a desperate attempt to escape the inner turmoil and dissonance they endure.
It's essential to recognize that transgender identity is not a matter of being born in the wrong body, but often arises from experiences of child sex abuse and trauma. These experiences can lead to crippling anxiety, compulsive behavior, and an exaggerated fixation on femininity.
In some cases, severely abused boys may develop narcissism so deeply they believe that they can embody femininity more authentically than actual biological women, leading to feelings of inadequacy and repeated failure. Ultimately, for some individuals, the perceived absence of viable solutions may tragically lead them to consider suicide as a means of escape. Death becoming the only cure for this affliction.
This is the grim path that the psychological manipulation inherent in Wokeism that often leads individuals towards a journey marked by loneliness, misery, deteriorating health, and an early death.
Pedophilia is closely linked to homosexuality because child sex abuse is the method used to create more members of the LGBT+ community. This is how gay people, in a sense, reproduce. Clawing to their own youth, they feel drawn to their trauma. Combined with the sense of never fully emotionally maturing, they feel confused, as though they are a child in an adult’s body. In the context of emotional maturity, they are. This makes them very dangerous to be around children. They, even if unknowingly, will infect children with this mental virus through inappropriate behavior and language.
Society now encourages our child sex abuse victims who have grown up to be damaged adults to subject themselves to further humiliation by dancing down the streets in their underwear in front of children and their peers. When does the abuse and humiliation for these now adult child sex abuse victims end?
Nobody in the woke cult seems to have an answer to this question, just further victimization, and further abuse. Those who bring children to gay pride parades are engaging in a public display of extreme child sex abuse. They are exposing children to live pornography, and there will likely be consequences for that abuse throughout that child's lifetime.
The Gay Pride flag is represented by a rainbow. A rainbow is formed when sunlight is refracted, dispersed into its component colors, and then reflected inside raindrops before exiting and refracting again. This process creates a division of colors in the sky, resulting in the familiar arc of hues we see after rain showers.
The rainbow flag is a representation of division, not inclusivity. It is the flag of Individualism, selfishness, Satanism. The flag of Satanism is built on a lie, and they’ve tricked us into putting it up on our houses, businesses, and now government property. By hiding its true intent, this selfish religion is now in our government, our schools, our entertainment, and our corporations. Our government is clearly violating the separation of church and state.
The LGBT+ lifestyle first demanded acceptance. After that battle was won, they demanded this ideology be taught in schools under the guise of love and acceptance. If we don’t allow Christianity to be taught in schools, and rightfully so, then we shouldn’t allow the religion of Wokeism be taught in our schools either. This is a conscious effort to create more members in their ranks. It is child abuse.
This is why it is imperative for them to have the religion of Wokeism taught in schools. They are actively trying to traumatize children with sex and gender identities, pushing these truths of our sexual biology on children who are not ready to process it in a healthy and constructive way. The introduction to sex can be a traumatic event if mishandled. This is the same tactic religions such as Catholicism employ with Sunday School, instilling the terrifying concept of a hell into children's minds who are not emotionally mature enough yet to process evil. This is also child abuse.
Supporters of the LGBT+ lifestyle unknowingly support abusive relationships, abusive casual sex, and pedophilia. That is the real gay lifestyle that the Satanists won't portray in movies or on television. Members of this cult are advocating for sex abuse survivors to disregard their mental well-being in exchange for a compromised existence, unable to liberate from the clutches of child sex abuse.
The onus is not on the collective to support this lifestyle, it is not the collective that made the choice to separate from the individual. The individual left the natural order of the collective, abuse and loss of contentment making them choose solitude in their obsession with self.
Interestingly enough, these people quickly find loneliness a terrifying place to be as we are a social species that require safety within the group. Rejection from society is where true loathing and hopelessness can be found.
This is terrifying and exacerbates discontentment in this life, feeling entirely expendable every second of every day, the feelings of worthlessness set in. Ironically, they often seek to group with others who have rejected the natural order of evolution and the collective, fully recognizing the importance of belonging, while continuing to go through more body modifications to set themselves apart from members of their now outcast group. It is madness, it’s the resulting chaos of mental illness.
Members of the LGBT+ community have turned their backs on the collective, then demanded that the collective supports their illogical choice to leave the safety of the group. They are entirely confused on who is doing the rejecting in society. If you are in the gay lifestyle, society isn’t rejecting you, you are rejecting logic by indulging in a fetish, then avoiding help, and that will always lead to a suboptimal life that nobody wants to see you endure. We want to experience you at the best you can be, your optimal self.
Being gay is not a choice, but nobody was born that way—it's something imposed upon you without your consent after birth. However, what you can control is how you understand your sexuality, or lack thereof, and subsequently, how you mitigate the harm you may inflict upon yourself and others because of it. Even if you are unable to leave this lifestyle, you can understand the abuse it imposes on yourself and others so you can minimize these negative behaviors that will only lead you to misery.
The path to acceptance amongst the collective begins when you cease to blame society for following the path that leads to contentment, contradictory to yours, and begin to look inward for your own relief. They have made the choice to endure ostracization, continuing the heinous abuse that began in their childhood.
A transgender woman is indulging a deep seeded fetish brought on by childhood sexual trauma. He is not living his true authentic self, he is wearing a costume and playing a character. He is hiding from the world. When you cast away all secrecy, people are drawn to you, they begin to trust you, they sense that you have nothing to hide. You become a source of safety for them, not uncertainty and chaos. This is how you find contentment within the collective; by being your true authentic self.
The reason why homosexuality is synonymous with negative behavior has nothing to do with pleasing a god. The reason why it’s avoided by the collective is because it restricts you from having an optimal life within a strong family unit. You are not hurting God by engaging in this lifestyle, you are hurting yourself and your family's strength.
You are hurting God in the sense of hurting this species by rejecting the natural order of the universe and evolution within a strong family unit. The same family unit that put their selfish desires aside to raise you. All thrown away because of childhood abuse. That is what has robbed you of your optimal life, not some fictitious god. This is why child sex abuse is so egregious. It destroys a person’s life from the inside, it shows them true misery, and it’s very difficult to overcome.
Adult Entertainment
Adult material always portrays abuse or leads actors to self-harm. These are some ways adult entertainment is abusive.
  1. Depiction of Abuse
    Most if not all adult material depicts scenarios that involve coercion, exploitation, or other forms of abuse. This can range from overtly violent acts to more subtle power dynamics that may not be immediately recognizable as abusive.

  2. Impact on Actors
    There's ongoing debate about the well-being and agency of performers in adult material. While some individuals engage in this work willingly and find it empowering, others may face coercion, exploitation, or psychological harm. Concerns about the industry's treatment of performers and the potential for exploitation are valid and have prompted discussions about improving working conditions and protecting performer's rights.

  3. Stigma and Judgment
    From a societal perspective, engagement with adult material is often stigmatized, and individuals involved in its production or consumption may face judgment or discrimination. This stigma is justified as this act is a selfish exclusion from the collective, a thwarting of the natural processes of this universe as their sole purpose is to profit by encouraging others to engage in self-pleasure while viewing abusive material.

  4. Perceived Normalization of Abuse
    Some argue that consuming adult material can desensitize individuals to harmful behaviors or contribute to the normalization of abusive dynamics. This concern is rooted in the idea that repeated exposure to certain themes or behaviors can influence attitudes and beliefs, potentially shaping individual's perceptions of acceptable behavior in real-life relationships.
To engage in self-pleasure is to do so in a tranquil, meditative state, often finding contentment through a reward mechanism. This can contribute to the development of an addiction, as individuals may continually seek this source of safety and contentment during times of stress and discontent.
This activity impedes personal growth and prevents individuals from bettering themselves and their situation, potentially affecting their ability to reproduce with a mate. Such behavior is inherently obstructive to evolution. Any behavior that hinders evolution can be likened to Satanism, as it poses a threat to our species' existence by opposing evolutionary progress.
Engaging with adult entertainment requires critical analysis and an awareness of its potential psychological impacts on individuals and society as it never leads to positivity in the long term and hurts everyone involved in the process.
Fat Acceptance
Original Sin: You were born into a fat body, as evidenced by being born into a family plagued with obesity.
Problem: This world wasn't designed to accommodate your natural body size, resulting in experiences of pain and humiliation.
Carrot: A world tailored to embrace your natural body size, featuring accommodations such as larger seating, ample portions, and increased accessibility options. To not only normalize but celebrate the beauty and dignity of living in a larger body as a “person of size.”
Stick: Diet culture is trying to erase you. To diet is to commit a genocide against your own people.

Fat Acceptance is the most absurd and transparent of the four woke ideologies discussed here but extremely harmful nonetheless. Just like homosexuality, it is imperative to be convinced that you were born in a fat body. Being completely absorbed into extreme individualism, you begin to believe that you are a medical mystery that defies the law of thermodynamics. You must be convinced to internalize your body type, the individual form. Once you are convinced that you are a victim by birth, original sin can be deployed, and the imaginary carrot is displayed.
Obesity often stems from underlying mental health issues. Seeking solace and contentment through the repetitive consumption of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods reflect a state of mental distress. Another case of finding reward in abuse, you’ve become addicted to those tiny hits of contentment as you take bite after bite of your drug of choice.
That contentment quickly fades, and you are forced to face the effects of limited mobility, aches, and pain, severely limiting your life experiences, optimal life becomes completely unattainable. Finding joy in such eating habits, despite the risks posed by a dangerously high weight, can be viewed as a form of self-harm—a gradual path towards self-inflicted harm and potential life-threatening consequences.
Victims of this mental illness wear their pain on the outside as well, forcing the collective to feel this abuse. Their very existence permeates emotional abuse, causing society to recoil from their disfigured form as they empathize, physically feeling the pain obesity has brought them.
Those suffering from obesity require more than just personal trainers and dieticians; they necessitate interventions targeting the underlying mental disorder driving and rationalizing their self-destructive behavior.
This disorder often emerges from a sense of hopelessness, symptomatic of the extreme mental anguish experienced within the depths of mental illness. In a state of extreme self-loathing, it becomes exceedingly challenging to muster the desire and motivation needed to make real positive change. Convinced of the futility of any effort, your sense of well-being crumbles under the weight of perceived failure.
The Body Positivity movement has become the acceptance of ill health and early death after a lifetime of suffering. The answer to this problem is understanding this world, recognizing the inherent limitations and embracing a deep love for life and everything in it. This love fuels a desire to present the world with the best version of ourselves as possible.
It is not a selfish act to care for one’s body in the interest of showing the world that you are mentally well. Portraying mental wellness through your appearance and behavior has a calming effect on the people around you. They can be reasonably certain that you are not a person that will bring chaos into their lives, they can relax and trust you. Just like the projection of self-harm and abuse with tattoos, abusing your body with food is a clear indication that you won’t hesitate to abuse the collective too.
You are not a victim; rather, you were born with the inherent power to shape the universe around you. Happiness is attainable within this world. While it may be tempting to assign blame to external forces like the food industry and diet culture, it's crucial to recognize that the true source of your suffering lies within yourself. It takes courage to confront the mirror and scale honestly and acknowledge the toll that discontentment has exacted upon your body and your life—your abuser has been you. You picked up where trauma left off and you’ve been abusing yourself for it ever since. That is what trauma does to an intelligent species.
The notion that obese individuals are leading their optimal lives is widely dismissed, as the burden of carrying excess weight is universally acknowledged. Feigning pride in one's excessive weight, a feat that can be achieved by anyone, comes across as delusional—an outright evasion of reality. Refusal to accept reality impedes one's ability to navigate the world logically, as it is grounded in objective truths.
Logic serves as a stabilizing force, engendering calmness in those around you and fostering positive social interactions. However, obesity presents a formidable barrier to achieving this harmony, hindering efforts to forge meaningful connections and navigate life's challenges. You are another abuse victim, wearing their pain on the outside, your body’s last attempt to cry out to the group for help. I’m truly sorry, but as a society, we have completely failed you.
The collective doesn’t hate you; they want to see you recover, enjoy the feeling of true happiness through good health, and reach your optimal life where the contentment you lack is plentiful. They want to release you from your prison, the shackles of all that weight. They can feel your pain, they just don’t know how to help because they can’t. You must be receptive to the mental help you need, and unfortunately, nobody can do that for you.

These four ideologies encapsulated by Wokeism, although seemingly just and fair on the surface, only serve to harm the people they claim to help via psychological abuse when examined on a deeper level.
Once convinced of victimhood status a victim you will likely forever be, never achieving your optimal life. That is why Wokeism is “bad.” Its purpose is to drive you to misery, making you angry, emotional, revengeful, and easy to control, blinded by and dependent on a cure you’ll never receive, for a problem you never had.
Atheists recognize the harm of original sin when it comes to Christianity, but then adopt the original sin religion of self, identity politics, selfishness, Wokeism, Satanism. And when they defend Wokeism they adopt the same fallacious arguments Christians use to defend Christianity, both looking at their own religions with rose covered glasses.
Wokeism is a bastardization of human psychology, just like Christianity. That is why Wokeism misuses psychiatric terms like triggered, safe space, and microaggression. Wokeism, rebranded Satanism, is bringing the west face to face with its own apocalyptic event and a god-fearing religion is not the solution, it’s the other half of the problem.
The core concept of Christianity is the concept of original sin, mirroring psychological abuse in its essence. This perception defines Christianity as a form of psychological manipulation. Moreover, the existence of a personal deity, intimately acquainted with the individual, is contingent upon adopting a self-centered perspective. You can only view a personal god that cares about your daily activities through the perspective of self, Satanism.
It is the view of this book that in its current perverted manifestation, Christianity diverges from its original tenets, creating a psychologically abusive religion. This was done not by a god but by man, with purpose and intent.
The moment of self-awareness, the realization of one's existence and the recognition of the perilous nature of one’s surroundings can be wildly traumatic, particularly for a child abuse survivor lacking the refuge of parental safety. Self-awareness emerges as a traumatic experience, precipitating the loss of contentment and the emergence of narcissistic tendencies. With narcissism arises a cascade of negative effects, including fear, shame, anger, avoidance of accountability, delusion, and overwhelming anxiety. To lose contentment with consciousness is to gain narcissism.
Christianity offers relief from the grip of narcissism, presenting itself as the antidote to this affliction. It leverages the promise of salvation as both the carrot and the stick in the context of original sin. The stick represents the inability to achieve contentment amidst the presence of evil without adherence to their deity. By asserting control over the conception of this god, Christianity asserts control over individuals. The message is clear: compliance brings the reward of eternal contentment in the Christian heaven, effectively diminishing the fear of death for those who obey.
The incorporation of a personal deity into a philosophical framework transforms it into a form of self-worship, Satanism—the religion of self. This is because the concept of a deity concerned with individual interests emerges solely from the perspective of self.
The perpetual conflict between the religious right and the woke left shows a shared misunderstanding of the world around them. The solution to unfair societal issues lies in rejecting all ideologies founded on the falsehood of original sin. That includes Judaism, Islam, and some forms of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Nobody is born a victim of consciousness. Rather, victims are created out of ignorance, fear, and desperation stemming from a refusal to comprehend and embrace the complexities of their own reality.
Birth and Death
Despite the challenges that may arise in life, it is worth noting that we have often been afforded considerable comforts and privileges. However, it is our own choices that frequently complicate our experiences and exacerbate difficulties unnecessarily. If we suffer it’s typically our own doing.
The process of birth, although wildly traumatic and violent, is typically never thought about. The rarity of contemplating birth stems from the fact that it is a one-time event that individuals do not anticipate ever experiencing again. It would be illogical to fear your birth, so we never do.
We painlessly came into this world with no recollection of the trauma of birth, into a family set up to be exhuming the optimal ideal family unit. Surrounded by people who will care for us into adulthood and beyond as each family member seeks to nurture each other’s well-being. We seek to build each other up, never tearing each other down, recognizing the true harm of all forms of abuse.
Death is a topic that occupies the thoughts of many individuals; however, we lead lives characterized by a certain level of care. In our sleep, we engage in a simulation of the dying process, preparing us for the eventual cessation of consciousness.
And we welcome the rest, the brief relief from the chaos of life. During sleep, the passage of time does not elicit concern, serving as a reminder of the illogicality of fixating on nonexistence. While one may or may not experience the act of dying, nobody has ever experienced death. Death is relief for the suffering, a well received nap for the content.
The time between dreaming and nightmares is the complete ambivalence to the world that you are currently occupying. From the outset, the stage is set for us to enter a world embraced by the love of a nurturing family, who provide support until we are capable of reciprocating care. Ultimately, our departure is not a solitary affair, but rather a collective transition accompanied by the family and friends we have cultivated throughout our journey.
Birth, death, and the concept of a vengeful god need not evoke fear, as they are experiences beyond our direct perception within this world. Logic serves as a safeguard against these existential uncertainties. Understanding is the pathway to defeating fear and achieving ultimate forgiveness for the evil that must exist in our world.
The fear of death and the unknown stems from our uncertainty regarding the presence of logic in those realms. We question whether contentment awaits us there, which is why the unknown holds such terror. In confronting the fear of death, we recognize how vital it is to find contentment with consciousness.
The Soul
Christians generally believe that the soul is the immaterial essence or spiritual aspect of a person. It's often considered the core of an individual's being, encompassing their consciousness, emotions, and will.
According to Christian theology, the soul is eternal and is distinct from the physical body. It's believed to be created by God and is considered the seat of a person's identity and connection to the divine. Christians also believe that the soul plays a significant role in one's relationship with God and in determining one's eternal destiny, whether in heaven or hell, after physical death.
The term "soul" represents more than just a theological concept; it encompasses the essence of a person's well-being, encompassing their emotional, psychological, and spiritual state. When discussing the soul in this context, it refers to the innermost aspect of an individual, their core being, which includes their emotions, thoughts, and consciousness.
For some individuals, particularly empaths, experiencing abuse or trauma can deeply impact their soul's well-being, causing them to experience real physical pain, prolonged abuse causing disease. Rather than viewing the soul in a spiritual or metaphysical sense, this perspective emphasizes its role in emotional and mental health. When subjected to abuse, empaths may experience this physical pain or discomfort as a manifestation of their soul's distress.
The sensation of overstimulation, described as though something is "too bright" or "too loud," reflects an overwhelming flood of emotions and sensory input that can disrupt the delicate balance of the soul's equilibrium. This overstimulation can lead to a sense of disorientation, emotional turmoil, and a feeling of being overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience.
In essence, the object Christian’s believe to be the soul represents the core of an individual's well-being, encompassing their emotional and psychological state. When subjected to abuse or trauma, the soul can experience profound distress, manifesting as physical discomfort or sensory overload.
Recognizing and addressing the needs of the soul is essential for promoting healing and restoring balance to one's overall well-being.
The concept of God, commonly embraced by believers, transcends the notion of a divine entity or an external sentient being. Rather, it symbolizes a phenomenon we've labeled as logic.
God is logic and all the things that exist inside of logic that support its existence. By supporting the minds logic created, the minds support logic itself, with consciousness being a necessity.
Logic is fundamental, defining the very concept of non-existence and delineating itself as a self-contained system. Within this framework, our universe operates autonomously, seemingly by magic, or the decisions of a god.
Aligned with logical principles, individuals find themselves navigating towards favorable outcomes, they find their personal heaven. Conversely, deviating into illogical thinking leads swiftly to undesirable circumstances, their own personal hell.
Heaven and hell, rather than distant afterlife realms, manifest as states of mind within the present moment. Our choices, driven by logical or illogical behavior, shape our existential experience, defining whether we inhabit roles of angels or demons in this world.
The fear of a deity becomes redundant when one grasps our inherent interconnectedness with the universe. Our existence is intricately woven into the fabric of the cosmos, dependent on its laws and physics. Free will grants us agency to navigate our earthly existence, with logic serving as our safeguard against chaos and adversity.
To worship God is to prioritize the collective well-being, acting in alignment with the logical framework of the universe. Any deviation from this path introduces chaos, sinning against the natural order and inflicting harm upon oneself and others.
Personal accountability is paramount, and attributing outcomes solely to a deity undermines this principle. Instead, embracing personal responsibility fosters critical self-evaluation and growth.
This understanding is often realized under extreme mental distress, requiring a willingness to bypass the brain's mental walls, relinquish biases and embrace the universe with an open mind. Letting go momentarily allows for a deeper comprehension of reality, devoid of the delusions imposed by narcissism.
The metaphor of letting God take the wheel urges courage to release biases and examine the universe afresh, allowing its secrets to unfold. Similarly, readiness to receive the word of God signifies mental preparedness to comprehend the intricacies of infinity without the shackles of narcissism and fear.
The Birth of God
A solitary sentient being cannot endure without suffering. We deem solitary confinement today as cruel and unusual punishment because it is. This perspective reflects the human understanding that isolation leads to despair, narcissism, and mental instability. Essentially, it suggests that a solitary existence is antithetical to our nature as conscious beings.
From this premise, it's argued that a deity, if existing as a solitary entity, could not sustain its own existence due to the inherent misery of solitude. Furthermore, the concept suggests that logic, a fundamental aspect of existence, cannot manifest within a solitary being.
To uphold logic, the entity would need to fragment itself into countless forms without retaining memories of previous experiences. This fragmentation into diverse entities allows for the existence of logic as we understand it, as it permits interaction, comparison, and comprehension of different states and concepts.
This perspective challenges the notion of a divine being creating the world solely for the benefit of humanity. Instead, it proposes that humanity itself, through its collective actions and sacrifices, is responsible for its own existence and condition.
We are making the sacrifices for logic to exist by agreeing to continue to evolve alongside necessary evil, and we are paid for it handsomely by having the opportunity to experience a uniquely meaningful existence. This idea places agency and responsibility squarely on human shoulders rather than attributing it to a divine entity.
Judgement Day
Judgment Day is not the day God judges you, as propagated by religious teachings. Instead, it represents the event in which an individual evaluates their own existence and, in turn, scrutinizes the way this universe works. Judgement day is the day you judge God, the experience that is to be alive.
In the realm of existence, individuals are confronted with a dichotomy: good and evil. The presence of free will to make this choice is imperative for a life imbued with significance and purpose. Those who possess the ability to discern goodness within the realm of evil find themselves poised to transcend earthly limitations and attain a semblance of heaven in the present moment.
Conversely, those who perceive the evil inherent in existence as cruel and unjust often succumb to confusion and resentment.
By attributing their suffering to the universe, a god, or individuals and adopting a victim mentality, they unwittingly consign themselves to an emotional state resembling hell, right here on Earth.
You’ve judged God, your consciousness, guilty. But it’s not a god that will pay the price, you will. You’ve sent yourself to hell, the only hell that exists, the one here on earth, narcissism, a mental illness that causes hopelessness and despair.
Jesus Christ
The term "apocalypse" is typically thought to mean the end of existence. The concept has deep roots in religious and mythological traditions, particularly in the Christian tradition with the Book of Revelation in the Bible describing an apocalyptic vision of the end times.
An apocalypse doesn’t necessarily mean the end of existence. It doesn’t even mean the destruction of the earth and all life on it. Apocalypses can be contained to existence in its totality, a planet, a country, a city, a family, or a individual person. Each level can experience its own apocalyptic event.
This is what the bible is trying to warn us about, our society, this country is crumbling under its own selfishness and greed. A population filled with selfish satanic human beings is bringing an apocalypse to the west.
Satanists create the apocalypse, a world of selfishness and abuse cannot thrive, it can only be dysfunctional. A traumatized victim suffering inside of this apocalypse will become a rebirth of Jesus Christ and fully understand his teachings apart from the lies injected into the Christian doctrine.
This is how Jesus returns. This is how Jesus is reincarnated in a world that must follow logical principles. Jesus doesn’t physically return, his understanding of the universe through trauma and abuse returns as society begins to fall and its inhabitants suffer. Jesus is the checks and balances of our evolution, to help us keep going once greed and power become a threat to our own survival.
People like Jesus don’t start the apocalypse they end it through peace, understanding, and emotional maturity. The next Jesus Christ to be reincarnated will be the person that understands the mystery of why and is able to spread it to the masses, bringing on spiritual enlightenment, peace, and prosperity. He or she will begin to heal people as though it was magical, through spreading the word of God in the context of human psychology and the logic that exists in this world.
There is a possibility that the last Jesus experienced significant trauma during his formative years, potentially in the form of slavery, from which he later gained liberation. This early adversity may have contributed to the development of various mental health conditions, including gender dysphoria. Due to childhood abuse, Jesus was likely at a minimum bisexual.
Jesus, potentially grappling with conditions like obsessive-compulsive disorder, harbored a consuming fixation on the existential query: "Why was I born to only suffer? Am I in hell right now?" And within this introspection lay the seeds of a journey towards self-discovery.
Through grappling with the repercussions of his actions, he embarked on a path of personal enlightenment, seeking answers to his own inner turmoil and ultimately uncovering the transformative power of healing from trauma. Jesus was another incarnation of a human being who realized trauma recovery through unimaginable suffering, coming out of it victorious, fully understanding this world.
Once one succeeds with their own trauma recovery, overjoyed of finally feeling peace in their life, they feel compelled to help others reach ultimate forgiveness. They begin to think of who needs this help the most, who is the most traumatized among us. This leads you to want to set up homeless shelters and mental hospitals. This is how churches began.
Upon the resonance of his teachings with abuse victims and slaves, an authoritarian regime co-opted Jesus's philosophy, infusing it with the concept of a personal deity, before ultimately subjecting him to crucifixion. Subsequently, the institutionalization of the church facilitated its metamorphosis into a tool of governance, wielding considerable influence on behalf of the ruling authority, Satanism now reigning supreme and unopposed.
As far as his supernatural healing powers, Jesus understood the framework of trauma recovery, the cure for the deadly disease-causing mental virus. He never cured blindness, he cured the cause of blindness, severe anxiety brought on by trauma.
Rather than a prophet or a divine figure, Jesus emerged as a traumatized individual, driven by an unyielding quest for understanding amidst his own suffering. His journey mirrors behavior that can arise when desperation compels one to shift focus from seeking external answers to introspective self-examination.
In this introspection, one may confront their true essence, as perceived by others, unveiling insights previously obscured by external distractions. They gain the ability to see themselves in this universe, the abuse they inflict, and begin to make changes to their behavior.
The last Jesus Christ's death was not solely for the purpose of atoning for sins, but rather as part of his mission to spread his philosophical teachings, particularly to those who have experienced abuse or suffering, with the aim of helping them find contentment amidst chaos.
This perspective emphasizes Jesus's role as a teacher and healer, offering solace and guidance to those in need, rather than focusing solely on the theological and illogical concept of redemption through his bodily sacrifice. It suggests that his actions were motivated by a desire to alleviate suffering and impart wisdom, particularly to those who have faced adversity. He died trying to protect the mental health of his species as will the next person who tries to defeat the Satanists of this world.
A society that has deviated into a state of sickness will either undergo a transformative resurgence marked by empathy and a return to foundational family values, having endured the consequences of its descent into chaos, or face inevitable collapse. Should the majority of the global population embrace Satanism, it will lead to the extinction of the human species.
This transformation isn't initiated from the top echelons of society; rather, it originates among those at the lowest rungs and gradually ascends. The elites, who profit, and the oligarchies, who wield immense economic power, rely fundamentally on the compliance of their subjugated masses. Any widespread realization would disrupt this delicate balance, potentially leading to the collapse of their entrenched structures of which only they profit.
A Jesus is the inherent checks and balances mechanism within our species. In a society dominated by a majority of individuals subscribing to satanic beliefs, it sets the stage for its own potential downfall through an apocalyptic event. The rampant extreme abuse of its inhabitants creating a new Jesus, who through suffering discovers the mystery of why.
The Bible
The Christian Bible was created from a collection of religious texts and writings that were considered sacred and authoritative by early Christian communities. It consists of two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  1. Old Testament (Hebrew Bible): The Old Testament comprises texts that were originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, with a few portions in Greek. It includes books such as Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Isaiah, among others. These texts were part of the Jewish scriptures and were already in circulation before the emergence of Christianity.

  2. New Testament: The New Testament contains texts that were written in Greek and are specific to Christianity. It includes the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), the Acts of the Apostles, various letters (epistles) attributed to early Christian leaders like Paul and Peter, and the Book of Revelation. These texts were composed by various authors in the first century CE and reflect the teachings, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ, as well as the early Christian community.
The process of determining which texts would be included in the Christian Bible, particularly the New Testament, was gradual and involved debates and discussions among early Christian communities. Canonization—the official recognition of certain texts as sacred and authoritative—occurred over several centuries, with different regions and Christian denominations sometimes favoring slightly different canons.
Ultimately, the Christian Bible as we know it today was solidified by consensus within the early Christian Church, with the final list of books agreed upon by various councils and religious authorities. Which is to say that it was created by men with ulterior motives. There is no connection between the Christian Bible and a god, only original sin, psychological abuse.
The Bible, separated from supernatural nonsense, serves as a cautionary narrative. It warns of the perilous consequences of societal adherence to selfish behavior and the adoption of satanic ideologies. Through its teachings, it imparts a serious warning: the proliferation of such behaviors among members of a society jeopardizes its very existence, leading to its eventual demise, its apocalypse.
The introduction of the concept of a personal god, original sin, and the duality of heaven and hell into religious doctrine signifies a deliberate attempt to exert control over the minds of individuals in the form of an original sin religion. This strategic manipulation, enacted by those in positions of power, served to reshape historical narratives, erasing and reconstructing them in alignment with prevailing ideologies. Failure to grasp the underlying mechanisms of existence perpetuates the dark ages of Satanism, tethering individuals to antiquated beliefs and inhibiting their progression toward enlightenment.
Currently, the United States and its allied nations are advocating for ideologies such as wokeism, identity politics, and selfishness, which are construed as manifestations of contemporary Satanism and the only tool we have to combat this is Christianity, another original sin religion.
Consequently, the Western world finds itself in a state of decline. We don’t have a clear contrast between the principles of Christianity and the self-destructive path that society currently traverses with Wokeism. They are both original sin and we fell for it. The influence of selfish and power-hungry individuals has perverted the course of ideological evolution and turned it into a god-fearing religion.
The notion of apocalypse transcends the traditional narrative of a messianic return. Jesus is not returning, that would break logic creating a paradox in our universe, however his understanding of life itself will be realized again by his descendants. An apocalypse embodies the societal upheaval induced by the ascendance of Satanism and selfishness, epitomized by the endorsement of wokeism, social justice, feminism, gay pride, fat acceptance, and Christianity. These ideologies, if left unchecked, herald the downfall of civilizations.
As the fabric of society unravels, the absence of rule of law invites chaos, paving the way for the emergence of evil forces. The repercussions of such societal disintegration reverberate into the future, shaping the destiny of generations to come.
The proliferation of satanism on a global scale poses an existential threat to our species, potentially culminating in extinction or irreversible planetary devastation. In confronting this peril, we encounter what can be described as our species' Great Filter—a pivotal juncture wherein the trajectory of humanity hangs in the balance.
It becomes evident that the current manifestation of Christianity, given its own psychologically abusive nature, falls short in providing a viable solution to counteract this encroaching threat of Wokeism.
Bible study became an activity as one would use the original text to transcend through the fear of trauma recovery as a guidebook for self-discovery. These are complicated topics that deserve study and reflection as these concepts pertain to your own unique life. It takes time and courage for self-introspection.
But once these concepts are firmly understood and you begin to apply them in your own life, you will find true happiness here, where there is no Sunday School, guilt, or gods to give your money to.
The Seven Deadly Sins
  1. Lust:
    Excessive desire for sexual gratification or indulgence in physical pleasures can lead to loneliness and misery because it often prioritizes temporary, shallow connections over deeper emotional bonds. This can result in a lack of meaningful relationships and a feeling of emptiness when superficial desires are not fulfilled.

  2. Gluttony:
    Overindulgence in food or drink can lead to physical and emotional health problems, which can ultimately isolate individuals from others. Gluttony can also lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing, contributing to a sense of loneliness and misery.

  3. Greed:
    The insatiable desire for wealth, possessions, or power can drive individuals to prioritize their own interests over the well-being of others. This self-centeredness can lead to broken relationships, mistrust, and isolation from others who may feel used or manipulated.

  4. Sloth:
    Laziness or apathy towards responsibilities and personal growth can lead to stagnation and a lack of fulfillment in life. Slothfulness can result in missed opportunities for meaningful connections and achievements, ultimately leading to loneliness and a sense of purposelessness.

  5. Wrath:
    Uncontrolled anger and hostility towards others can alienate friends, family, and colleagues, creating a barrier to forming and maintaining relationships. Constant conflict and aggression can lead to isolation and a pervasive sense of bitterness and misery.

  6. Envy:
    Constantly comparing oneself to others and resenting their successes can breed feelings of inadequacy and bitterness. Envy can poison relationships and prevent individuals from forming genuine connections out of fear or resentment towards those perceived as superior.

  7. Pride:
    Excessive pride or arrogance can isolate individuals by creating barriers to communication and understanding. Prideful individuals may struggle to admit fault or seek help, leading to a lack of support networks and ultimately feelings of loneliness and isolation.
The seven deadly sins are not rooted in notions of a god, demons, heaven, or hell. Instead, they represent behaviors that inevitably result in loneliness and misery in our earthly existence. These actions stem from selfishness and embody behaviors attributed to Satan, leading individuals towards the true hells of depression and self-loathing.
They are the behaviors you adopt if you want to meet the real Satan in the real hell. You become the Satan of yours, you become the ultimate abuser of yourself in the world that you unknowingly control.
The battle between God and Satan, good and evil, happen within you, within a family, within a species, at every level, but it begins with defeating Satan within yourself, the mental illness that comes with consciousness.
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are a set of biblical principles outlined in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the book of Exodus, chapter 20, and Deuteronomy, chapter 5. They serve as moral guidelines and religious laws for Jews and Christians.
  1. You shall have no other gods before me.
    - This commandment emphasizes the exclusive worship of the one true God and prohibits the worship of any other gods or idols.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol.
    - This commandment prohibits the creation or worship of any graven image or idol as a representation of God.

  3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
    - This commandment instructs individuals to treat the name of God with reverence and respect, avoiding any misuse or irreverence of it.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    - This commandment establishes the observance of a day of rest and worship, typically understood as the Sabbath day, which is Saturday for Jews and Sunday for most Christians.

  5. Honor your father and your mother.
    - This commandment emphasizes respect and obedience towards parents and authority figures, recognizing their role in nurturing and guiding individuals.

  6. You shall not murder.
    - This commandment prohibits the unjust taking of another person's life, emphasizing the sanctity of human life and the importance of valuing and preserving it.

  7. You shall not commit adultery.
    - This commandment condemns extramarital sexual relations, emphasizing the sanctity and exclusivity of the marital bond.

  8. You shall not steal.
    - This commandment prohibits the unauthorized taking or withholding of another person's property or possessions.

  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
    - This commandment prohibits lying or giving false testimony against another person, emphasizing honesty and integrity in speech and actions.

  10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, wife, servants, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.
    - This commandment addresses the inward desires and attitudes of jealousy and covetousness, instructing individuals to be content with what they have and to avoid longing for what belongs to others.
These commandments are considered foundational to Judeo-Christian ethics and morality, guiding believers in their relationships with God and with one another. But they were also changed to facilitate a personal god concept.
The 10 Commandments are not an exhaustive list of wrongdoing that God considers especially heinous, keeping you from eternal bliss. They are seven examples of engaging in The Seven Deadly Sins. They are examples of behaviors that will lead you to misery and hopelessness outside of the safety of the collective. The first three obviously added to appease their angry, vengeful, and illogical god concept.
If you avoid The Seven Deadly Sins then you will experience bliss here on earth, in this lifetime, The Ten Commandments being nothing more than examples of such dubious behavior.
Exorcisms, though rooted in religious belief, possess a tangible basis in reality aside from religious practices.
Functioning as a primitive method, exorcisms involve compelling individuals to confront their trauma, often before their psyche is adequately prepared for such introspection. This process, while barbaric, reflects an attempt to address distress through psychological means.
The cinematic portrayal of exorcisms, with young girls restrained to their beds, exhibiting demonic reactions, reflects a visceral truth: the trauma unearthed during such rituals can evoke intense physical and emotional distress. The depicted kicking, screaming, and retching mirror the extreme psychological turmoil experienced when confronting deep-seated trauma, illustrating the unsettling reality of these confrontations with inner demons.
Originally conceived as sanctuaries for mental health, churches underwent a transformation with the introduction of a personal deity into their philosophy. This shift rendered them as sites primarily devoted to prayer and worship, veering away from their initial function as mental health facilities.
And with that, Satanism was free to run rampant throughout society destroying the individual, families, communities, and nations throughout our history, passing down the mental virus that is trauma and abuse throughout generations.
Part III Trauma
Intelligent life is extremely vulnerable to trauma, impacting us in fascinating ways. Much like the unmatched speed of a cheetah, our mastery of logic stands as our greatest asset, propelling us to the forefront as the most impactful but also most dangerous species in all of known existence.
While physical abuse often garners the spotlight when discussing harm, it's essential to recognize that as an intelligent and reflective species, psychological abuse can inflict far deeper wounds. Each form of abuse can inflict wounds on the soul, especially the invisible ones as most of us are completely defenseless against them.
Abuse can manifest in various forms and across different domains of life. This is a list of some common categories of abuse:
  1. Physical abuse
    Inflicting physical harm or injury on another person through hitting, punching, kicking, burning, or other forms of physical violence.

  2. Emotional or psychological abuse
    Using tactics such as manipulation, intimidation, humiliation, gaslighting, or verbal attacks to control, demean, or undermine the emotional well-being of another person.

  3. Sexual abuse
    Engaging in non-consensual sexual activities or behaviors, including rape, molestation, unwanted touching, coercion, exploitation, or masturbation.

  4. Financial abuse
    Controlling or exploiting another person's financial resources or assets, restricting access to money, or using financial dependence as a means of exerting power and control.

  5. Neglect
    Failing to provide adequate care, supervision, or support for dependent individuals, such as children, elderly adults, or individuals with disabilities, leading to physical, emotional, or developmental harm.

  6. Domestic violence
    A pattern of abusive behaviors, including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse, perpetrated by one intimate partner against another within a relationship or family setting.

  7. Child abuse
    Any form of maltreatment or harm inflicted on a child, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
These categories of abuse encompass a wide range of harmful behaviors that can have devastating consequences for an individual's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.
Recognizing and shielding yourself from these abuses is imperative for good mental health, it is a requirement for contentment.
To lose one's sense of contentment is to open the door to the insidious grip of narcissism. At its core, narcissism is rooted in a prolonged exposure to trauma and abuse, which erodes a person's innate sense of well-being and security. This chronic exposure to adverse experiences breeds a pervasive discontentment that permeates one's surroundings, distorting perceptions and corroding relationships.
The persistent dissatisfaction that characterizes narcissism compels individuals to adopt maladaptive coping mechanisms in their quest to alleviate their inner turmoil. Fueled by an insatiable desire to replenish their sense of well-being, they may resort to manipulative or exploitative behaviors, often at the expense of others. In their relentless pursuit of validation and affirmation, they become ensnared in a cycle of self-absorption and entitlement, viewing others merely as a means to fulfill their own needs and desires.
Ironically, many individuals trapped in the throes of narcissism unwittingly perpetuate the cycle of abuse that they themselves have endured. Their fractured sense of self and distorted perceptions of reality compels them to replicate the same patterns of behavior that were inflicted upon them by their abusers. In a tragic twist of fate, they become the very perpetrators of harm that they once despised, perpetuating a cycle of trauma and suffering.
The manifestation of narcissism as a coping mechanism reveals the impact of trauma on the human psyche. As individuals grapple with the overwhelming weight of their past experiences, their brains may instinctively resort to defensive mechanisms aimed at preserving their fragile sense of self, creating a closed mindset, mental walls, a bubble. However, in doing so, they inadvertently perpetuate the cycle of abuse, further entrenching themselves in a web of dysfunction and despair.
Consequently, they lose the capacity to empathize or perceive beyond their own needs, perpetuating a cycle of self-absorption. Such behavior, manifested as selfishness, reflects an inability to recognize the needs and emotions of others, resulting in harm inflicted upon them. Thus, labeling someone as selfish signifies their incapacity to extend empathy beyond themselves, indicating the presence of a genuine mental illness.

Narcissism feels like the relentless grip of existential dread, the cloak of despair and worthlessness weighs heavily upon you. Yet the same illness has left you too scared to end your own life. You are petrified to be alive, but also too scared to die, narcissism is chaos unleashed with no boundary to contain it.
Each passing moment is saturated with an overwhelming conviction of unworthiness and hopelessness, a ceaseless chorus of self-condemnation echoing in your mind. The anguish you endure seems insurmountable.
You’ve cast judgment upon the universe itself, and in turn, upon your own soul. You have judged God guilty. And in doing so, sent yourself to the only hell that exists, severe mental illness.
Convinced this world is inherently evil, you perceive your existence as a form of punishment, ensnared within the clutches of what you believe to be hell. You bear the weight of perceived evil like a heavy cloak, enveloped in a palpable aura of hopelessness.
There isn’t a moment when you don’t feel disgusted with yourself, finding disdain not only for your own physical form but also for the world around you. Your body makes you sick, this world makes you sick.
Internalizing guilt for past traumas, and post offenses, you're engulfed by an overwhelming mix of fear and confusion. The desire to witness chaos and destruction arises as a response to the extreme suffering you endure, perceiving existence itself as the root cause of your anguish. You develop an obsessive urge for revenge, fueled by resentment for being thrust into a life you never asked for.
You want God to feel your suffering, maybe then the suffering will stop. But to hurt God is to abuse yourself as you are part of God, this universe. Unknowingly, deep within the clutches of an insidious mental illness, you begin a path of self-destruction and torment, you spiral out of control.
In a perpetual state of confusion and engulfed by chaos, every passing moment brings forth stress, anxiety, and fear. You have fully resorted back to your basic instincts of defense, each decision you make is in the interest of personal safety.
Such turmoil within leads to the perpetration of horrendous abuses upon others as you are completely incapable of seeing yourself interact within this world. You become so deluded that you begin to think your actions and behaviors are inconsequential, because you've convinced yourself that you are that insignificant.
You are now completely incapable of recognizing your own poor behavior. To question yourself would require inner safety to do so, what trauma and abuse has taken from you. Your courage from contentment amongst chaos is completely gone. You are now fully engaged in the selfishness of Satanism as though Satan itself walks the earth, leaving a path of suffering and destruction in its wake.
Those nearest to you bear the brunt of your wrath, they are the last remaining people in your life that will put up with you. Rationalizing your conduct, you cling to the belief that your suffering reigns supreme, justifying mistreatment by convincing yourself that others cannot fathom the depth of your torment.
Entrapped within the depths of what can only be described as the one true hell, finding an escape becomes incredibly difficult and unlikely. The mere thought of acknowledging the existence of a genuine mental illness is terrifying to a sick mind.
Consequently, you resort to delusion, convincing yourself that no issue exists. Yet, this delusion swiftly consumes your perception of reality, rendering you completely detached. You are extremely volatile and dangerous.
Despite your assurances of maintaining command over your actions, the chilling truth dawns upon you: you have no control over your emotions or your behavior. You are now a danger to society. You are now insane.
The evil that pervades our world has exacted a heavy toll upon your sanity, entwining itself deeply within your psyche. Its relentless grip leaves you consumed; your mind ensnared within its dark embrace. Moments of stress propel you into a frenzied state, where you find yourself pacing through your house in a panic, engaging in heated debates with figments of your imagination. You begin speaking to multiple imaginary people at once. In times of high anxiety, you’ll start whispering to yourself, loud enough for others to hear your stressful psychotic conversation. Christians describe this as “speaking in tongues.” It’s not a sign of the devil, it’s a sign that someone is suffering duress under extreme stress and anxiety.
At this time, unbeknownst to you, a myriad of mental disorders has taken root deep within you. Chronic fatigue stemming from unrelenting stress and anxiety, severe depression, recurrent suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia or obesity, multiple personality disorder, attention deficit disorder, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, sex, drug and alcohol addictions, and autoimmune diseases, like diabetes and hyperglycemia.
Left untreated, it is probable that you will develop most of these conditions. The untreated progression of these mental disorders may culminate in severe consequences, including personal harm or fatality, harm inflicted upon others, or involvement in legal repercussions leading to incarceration.
Notably, Narcissistic Personality Disorder tends to serve as a nexus for the manifestation of additional mental health issues. Within your psyche, chaos reigns supreme, accompanied by pervasive feelings of fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame. In such a state, you are driven by primal survival instincts, evil unleashed upon the world.
Narcissism, extreme individualism can drive someone to such a degree of self absorption, that they're unable to even comprehend their own existence outside of the current moment. The extreme self-absorption can impair an individual's ability to consider their future self.
When someone is deeply narcissistic, their intense focus on their immediate desires and needs can overshadow the long-term consequences of their actions. This self-centered perspective can lead to decisions that might fulfill short-term gratification but could be detrimental to one’s future well-being.
Every decision we make today impacts the person we will become tomorrow. For someone struggling with narcissism, there is often a disconnect between recognizing the current self and the future self. This disconnect can prevent them from making choices that would benefit them in the long run—choices that require foresight, self-care, and sometimes delayed gratification.
As a species is effected by the choices of their ancestors, so too do your choices today travel down to your own self descendants, the version of you that will exist next year. You inherit a lot of problems that the past you created.
Understanding that the "future you" depends heavily on the actions taken today is crucial. If the current behavior is reckless or irresponsible, the future self is likely to inherit the consequences of those actions, whether they be relational, financial, physical, or emotional.
Therefore, recognizing this interdependence is vital for personal growth and sustainability over time, it is logical behavior. It's about acknowledging that while the present moment holds importance, the future should not be neglected in the decision-making process.
To lose contentment is to gain narcissism. Narcissism is Satanism, the religion of self, viewing existence entirely through the perspective of oneself, selfishness through desperation and discontent. It will drive you to loneliness, then misery, then insanity.
This journey doesn't lead you to hell as Christians believe; rather, it transforms you into Satan—a manifestation of evil, a deity who reigns over their own realm of torment, engaged in perpetual conflict with divinity.
The epic struggle unfolds within the confines of our minds, the singular arena where heaven, hell, gods, and demons coalesce in a cosmic battle for supremacy.
Dogmatism refers to a rigid adherence to certain beliefs or principles without consideration of opposing viewpoints or evidence. It manifests as an unwavering certainty in the correctness of one's own opinions or ideologies, often accompanied by an unwillingness to entertain dissenting perspectives.
Dogmatism tends to stifle critical thinking and open discourse, as individuals may dismiss alternative ideas outright, viewing them as threats to their established beliefs. This closed-minded approach can hinder intellectual growth and lead to intolerance towards differing viewpoints. In its extreme forms, dogmatism can result in the imposition of beliefs onto others, often through coercive or authoritarian means, thereby restricting freedom of thought and expression.
The consequences when this inclination is influenced by narcissism and the desire for validation is as follows:

  1. Inclination towards Contentment
    Humans naturally seek contentment and satisfaction in life. This drive leads us to pursue activities, relationships, and beliefs that bring us joy and fulfillment.

  2. Validation from Others
    As social beings, we often find contentment in the validation and approval of others. When people agree with us, it reinforces our beliefs and provides a sense of validation, which in turn contributes to our overall contentment.

  3. Narcissism
    Narcissism involves an excessive focus on oneself, often accompanied by a sense of entitlement and a craving for admiration and validation from others. In the context of seeking contentment, narcissism can lead individuals to prioritize the validation of their beliefs over objective truth or differing perspectives.

  4. Avoidance of Discomfort
    When individuals become accustomed to receiving validation and agreement from others, they may become uncomfortable with dissenting opinions or challenges to their beliefs. Questioning their beliefs becomes unsettling because it threatens their sense of validation and contentment.

  5. Creation of a Bubble
    To maintain a sense of safety and validation, individuals may surround themselves with like-minded people who reinforce their beliefs and opinions. This creates a "bubble" where dissenting voices are filtered out, and individuals are only exposed to perspectives that align with their own.

  6. Feedback Loop
    In this bubble, individuals receive constant reinforcement of their beliefs, which further strengthens their conviction and sense of contentment. However, this also isolates them from diverse perspectives and limits their ability to critically evaluate their beliefs.

This perspective highlights how the human drive for contentment, when influenced by narcissism and the desire for validation, can lead to the creation of ideological bubbles where individuals are shielded from dissenting opinions. This limits intellectual growth, fosters narrow-mindedness, and inhibits constructive dialogue and understanding.
In the throes of mental illness, on your quest to destroy the world, you only manage to destroy the relationships you have here in the real world. Revenge becomes your obsession. But it is important to note, while initially satisfying, revenge often leads to a cycle of misery for several reasons, both psychological and practical:
  1. Escalation:
    Revenge tends to escalate conflicts rather than resolve them. When one seeks revenge, the other party may retaliate in return, leading to a back-and-forth cycle of vengeance that can spiral out of control. This escalation can intensify the original conflict and cause more harm to both parties involved.

  2. Emotional Turmoil:
    Seeking revenge can consume a person emotionally. It keeps them fixated on the wrongdoing they experienced, fostering negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and bitterness. These emotions can take a toll on one's mental well-being, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

  3. Loss of Moral High Ground:
    Engaging in revenge often involves actions that one may later regret. It may lead to behaving in ways that compromise one's values and integrity. By stooping to the level of the wrongdoer, one loses the moral high ground and may experience feelings of guilt or self-condemnation.

  4. Legal Consequences:
    Revenge actions can have legal repercussions. In many cases, seeking revenge involves unlawful or unethical behavior, which can result in legal consequences such as fines, imprisonment, or civil lawsuits. These legal consequences can further exacerbate one's misery and complicate their life circumstances.

  5. Deterioration of Relationships:
    Seeking revenge can damage relationships, not only with the target of revenge but also with others in one's social circle. Friends and family may distance themselves from someone consumed by thoughts of revenge, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  6. Focus on the Past:
    Seeking revenge keeps one anchored in the past, preventing them from moving forward with their life. It hinders personal growth and development by diverting energy and attention away from constructive pursuits and goals.

  7. Perpetuation of Hurt:
    Revenge does not heal the wounds caused by the initial wrongdoing. Instead, it perpetuates a cycle of hurt and harm, prolonging the pain experienced by all parties involved. True healing and closure can only occur through forgiveness, reconciliation, and letting go of the desire for revenge. This is the true meaning of “turn the other cheek,” it doesn’t encourage you to take abuse, it encourages you to break the circle of abuse, the circle of revenge.
Obsessive thoughts about seeking revenge or taking actions that one never intends to carry out involves investing significant mental energy and time into these fantasies, often to the detriment of one's emotional well-being and real life pursuits.
In this scenario, individuals may find themselves constantly dwelling on perceived slights or injustices, replaying scenarios in their mind where they enact revenge or confront those who have wronged them. However, instead of taking tangible steps toward resolution or closure, they remain stuck in a cycle of rumination and discontent.

This pattern of behavior can have several negative consequences:
  1. Emotional Distress:
    Constantly dwelling on revenge fantasies can lead to heightened levels of anger, resentment, and frustration. These negative emotions can negatively impact mental health and overall well-being, contributing to feelings of discontent and unhappiness.

  2. Wasted Time and Energy:
    Engaging in mental masturbation consumes valuable time and mental energy that could be directed toward more productive or fulfilling activities. Rather than focusing on personal growth, relationships, or pursuing meaningful goals, individuals may find themselves trapped in a cycle of rumination and discontent.

  3. Escalation of Conflict:
    Fantasizing about revenge can perpetuate a cycle of hostility and conflict, both internally and externally. Instead of seeking resolution or letting go of grievances, individuals may become increasingly fixated on thoughts of retaliation, leading to further discord and animosity.

  4. Stagnation and Regret:
    Continuously dwelling on revenge fantasies can prevent individuals from moving forward with their lives and finding closure. Over time, they may come to regret the time and energy wasted on futile fantasies rather than seeking constructive solutions or focusing on personal growth.

Revenge fantasies involve indulging in elaborate and unrealistic scenarios of retaliation without any intention of taking real action. This behavior can perpetuate negative emotions, waste valuable time and energy, escalate conflicts, and ultimately lead to stagnation and regret.
It's essential for individuals caught in this pattern to recognize the harmful effects of their rumination and seek healthier ways to cope with grievances and pursue resolution.
Emotional Maturity
Maturity entails acknowledging one's reality and embracing the coexistence of fellow individuals within it. Recognizing the inherent presence of others, each possessing their own needs and desires, underscores the importance of fostering a collective environment conducive to the safety and contentment of all.
When this behavior is realized and adopted, a child becomes an adult. They are reborn into the world of adulthood. To behave illogically and remain a child in an adult world is a scary and confusing place to be.
Our contemporary religious frameworks often serve as mechanisms for processing trauma, albeit hindered by the constraints of the concept of Original Sin and the allure of eternal bliss in the afterlife. Originally conceived not as a guide to the beyond, but rather as a blueprint for attaining happiness within the present existence, these doctrines illuminate the path to reclaiming contentment amidst life's inherent chaos.
Their purpose is to facilitate a journey inward toward wholeness in the aftermath of the existential trauma of self-awareness—the realization of vulnerability to significant harm in this world, where certain decisions bear irreversible consequences.
Emotional maturity is the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions in a constructive and balanced manner. It involves being able to navigate through life's challenges with resilience, empathy, and self-awareness.
Emotionally mature adults are adept at regulating their own emotions, maintaining healthy relationships, and making thoughtful decisions even in the face of adversity. They have a deeper understanding of themselves and others, which allows them to respond to situations with maturity, patience, and compassion.
Looking Outside Yourself
Empath training involves developing and refining one's ability to sense and understand the emotions, energies, and experiences of others. It typically includes practices aimed at enhancing empathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence. This training often involves techniques such as mindfulness meditation, visualization exercises, energy healing practices, setting boundaries, and self-care routines.
The goal is to cultivate a deeper connection with oneself and others, promote compassion and understanding, and navigate interpersonal relationships with greater sensitivity and insight. Empath training can be beneficial for individuals seeking to improve their communication skills, enhance their relationships, and foster a greater sense of empathy and compassion in their lives.
Refining empathy requires the capacity to perceive the world beyond one's immediate perspective. This entails introspection, allowing oneself to observe past experiences objectively, and honestly assessing one's behavior from an external viewpoint.
By gaining insight into how others perceive us, we attain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human interaction and the intricacies of the world around us. This process fosters empathy and enables us to connect with others on a deeper level.
By recognizing the universe as an intricate, self-sustaining mechanism encompassing all existence, one gains a profound sense of belonging and interconnectedness. This perspective allows individuals to perceive themselves not merely as observers within the universe, but as integral components of its intricate design. Through this realization, one can appreciate the inherent beauty of the universe and their place within it.
Facing Trauma
Trauma is what steals your courage, your innate sense of contentment and inner peace, leaving you adrift in a sea of turmoil and discontent. Ironically, the very tool needed to combat this insidious force lies within yourself: contentment through emotional maturity from empath training. It serves as a potent antidote, a shield against the corrosive effects of narcissism. It is your holy water, your crucifix to repel evil.
To counteract narcissism's grip, one must cultivate a state of pseudo-contentment, a semblance of inner tranquility like the moments just before drifting off to sleep, or having a daydream that completely consumes you.
This meditative state, characterized by a sense of relaxation and detachment from worldly concerns, allows for introspection and self-awareness. It provides a sanctuary from the chaos of narcissistic tendencies, enabling individuals to risk giving up agency over their thoughts and emotions.
Once you learn how to reach that meditative state with ease and you begin to understand the power you wield to change this world from negative to positive with empath training, there is only one more thing you need, desperation. Coincidentally enough, you have an overabundance of that.

“I can’t live like this anymore, what I’m doing isn’t working. I will figure out this world or die trying. I don’t care how bad the truth is, if I’m a slave to an eternal dictator then so be it, I must know why I constantly suffer, reveal yourself to me, I’m ready to know the truth, I have no other option, something is killing me.”

You must be in a state of desperation where you will accept whatever answer you get, no matter how horrific it may be. You swear to God and everything in it, that you will accept the truth of the mystery of why or accept your death. You must know what’s wrong with you because you can’t live another second with this suffering.
For the first time in your life, you let go of your anchor to the physical world, everything you think you know and believe about this reality completely dropped as you venture into the void of your mind, a slide show begins to play.
Your exorcism is about to begin. You’re stronger than you remember, and this universe needs all of your strength right now. Find it.

You slowly gain consciousness and begin to realize that you exist in a void. You see nothing but feel a strange sense of familiarity, you feel really good and relaxed. You begin to like this place, feeling calm and content here.
That’s odd. You notice a small child in the distance and begin to wonder how long they’ve been there. How didn’t you notice them before? The curiosity of the only inhabitant of this void grows, compelling you to understand their existence.
As you focus more the child grows closer. Somehow it’s now in front of you, the experience so real you swear you can reach out and touch their shoulder.
Now closer you can see that the child seems sad, a black squiggly ball on their shoulder seems to be the culprit. You can sense that little ball so acutely you begin to feel the child’s pain as it grows inside you. You can feel it… growing... so intensely. But no, something is wrong, something is very, very wrong, it won’t stop, I’m not in control here, what is happening, you have to stop this now!

“Please… don’t do this to me!”

The child now cowering in fear, closing their eyes as hard as they can, you witness that child in sheer terror over something that’s here, you feel every bit of their suffering.
Because the darkness here is you.
Somehow you lose focus of the child, no this can’t be happening you need to find them in this void; you need to protect them. You can’t let that little child suffer any longer, it begged you for protection and you will not abandon that child when it needs it the most.

“No! Not like I was."
“I will give this child the protection I needed so badly but never received! I will die protecting them! I WILL bring justice to this world!”

You soon begin to realize, the child never left. The child isn’t closing their eyes, you are. Put your fear aside, bite the apple, you must save this child.


You scream out, realizing that this isn’t about you. There is someone you need to put before yourself and save from this endless nightmare void.
Your eyes open for the first time since that fateful day. You feel an immediate jolt as your blood runs cold and you’re petrified, motionless with fear; you come to the chilling realization that you are that little child, experiencing your trauma as though it’s the first time.
This experience is so vivid you swear that you’re actually there, that you’re actually a child. Your trauma plays out again as you scream and wrestle around in the physical world. In the throes of your exorcism, never shall you encounter a fear more terrifying and real than the moment you confront Satan in the depths of Hell—for in that infernal abyss, you confront not the devil himself, but the very essence of your own existence.
God has answered your prayers and presented you with a choice. Giving you free will, pure evil is put before you, the sickest this world has to offer right in front of your face, in the only way it could to prevent you from looking away, by forcing you to experience it again. Facing trauma is no longer optional, you’re out of time; Judgement Day is upon you.
As you let out a piercing scream, you're forcibly ejected from the confines of your childhood vessel. Suddenly, with a newfound sense of empathy, you're thrust into the harrowing scene of trauma unfolding before you, now viewing it through the lens of your mature adult self. The horror, the revulsion—it's all laid bare before you, yet with the wisdom of adulthood comes coherence.
Being cast out of the Garden of Eden, your childish delusions fade away and are replaced with logic and emotional maturity. By choosing to face your trauma, you’ve bitten the apple from the Tree of Knowledge and once you leave the Garden of Eden, the delusion of childhood, Neverland, you can never return.
Because you won't want to, you've made your choice. You fully understand that to live illogically, to be an adult child, is to endure unnecessary abuse that leads to loneliness and suffering.
With this surge of energy, you confront your inner demons head-on, embracing accountability for your past transgressions. In doing so, you unlock a potent new tool: the unbridled power of logic. Embracing your reality with unwavering acceptance, you cast aside the delusions of youth, stepping boldly into the realm of adulthood, and accepting your past.
In this moment of clarity, you come to the realization that this trauma, though repugnant and abhorrent, lacks the power to instill the same paralyzing fear it once did. Its true nature is revealed: vile, repulsive, an event that should never have tarnished the innocence of youth.
You grasp, with poignant clarity, that this child bore no responsibility for the ordeal thrust upon them. Once buoyant and filled with boundless joy, they reveled in the simple pleasures of life, eager each day to embark on new adventures in this captivating world.
You examine the black squiggly ball on the child’s shoulder and find that you can enlarge it, so you do as the child begins to panic. But if you can enlarge it, logically, that means you can control it.
The black squiggly ball begins to shrink until it becomes a little black speck in the palm of your hands, you toss it aside.
Turning back to your child self you see relief. Kneeling, you hold them within your embrace, offering the solace and safeguarding they had long yearned for on that fateful day—a shield forged from the compassion of a nurturing adult.
As you draw the child close to your heart, a profound transformation begins to unfold—their essence merges seamlessly with yours, knitting together the fragmented pieces of your being until unity is restored. You stand there alone in the void, but by drawing from all the energy in the universe, you become fearless.
You notice the black squiggly ball now on your shoulder, desperately trying to grow. But regardless, if it ever does grow again, remember that you can always return here to shrink it back down to the nothingness it truly is. Your defense from abuse and trauma has now been fully restored. You have learned how to defend yourself against all evil in this world.
A surge of electrifying vitality courses through your veins, illuminating the stark realization that you're engaged in an existential battle for the very essence of your soul—a fight you are determined not to lose.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of emotion, a primal scream tears through the air, a deafening declaration of defiance against the evil of trauma looming before you. With unwavering resolve, you pivot to confront the shadows of your past, ready to vanquish them once and for all.
In this pivotal moment, you unearth the reservoir of courage buried deep within, reconnecting with the enchantment of childhood innocence—a time when the world felt safe, when wonderment danced in every corner. Seize it back, reclaim it as your own, and in doing so, stitch together the fragments of your being until wholeness is restored. Confront the evil of your past, gaze unflinchingly into its eyes, and unravel the twisted threads of its existence.
From the vantage point of adulthood, acknowledge the injustice of what transpired, condemning it unequivocally for the wrong it inflicted upon you. Extend the hand of compassion to that child within, offering the solace and understanding they so desperately craved in that moment of vulnerability. Have the compassion to release them from their endless nightmare, they've suffered enough.
With a deafening roar of defiance echoing throughout the cosmos, you boldly proclaim your unyielding resilience in the presence of pure evil.

"You’ve thrown your darkest forces upon me, evil, yet here I stand, stronger than ever!"

You declare with unwavering resolve. You remember who you used to be, young and full of wonder, and you decide that without evil, there is no choice, there is no free will, without free will there is no heaven. And given that evil is the driving force from which all good things exist, all the things I love and cherish in this world,

“Then I judge evil good, and I judge this universe good, and I absolutely love being here in this crazy insane fun and interesting and amazing world!”

That is how you make it to heaven from the depths of hell, that is how you find peace when all you know is chaos.
Behold as evil recoils in trepidation, confronted by your newfound strength and restored vitality, you begin to slay the Prince of Darkness with a sword made with logic, its edge sharpened by God.
Armed with the piercing clarity of discernment, you stand vigilant against the encroaching shadows, shielded by the omnipotent grace of divine protection. The very essence of the logic in this universe courses through your veins, igniting synapses of enlightenment within your mind. With this revelation, you awaken to your inherent invincibility in this vast expanse of existence.
In the physical world you feel a tight band around your head, the back of your brain feels like it's untwisting, making new neural connections, discarding the old you completely, banishing you from your hell. You’ve cured your own mental illness, narcissism now causing you discomfort instead of pleasure. You seek to live authentically, within the safety of the collective species you are an integral part of.
Still in the void of your mind, gazing upon your abuser, you no longer see the terrifying figure that once struck fear into your heart. Instead, you see a frightened child watching their own trauma play out before them—a reflection of vulnerability that mirrored your own minutes ago.
As you peer through the prism of self-examination and introspection, a realization dawns upon you: your abuser is also ensnared within the labyrinth of mental illness, wrestling with the same inner demons that plague your own psyche.
With this newfound clarity, a solemn vow emerges from the depths of your being—a commitment to safeguard their fragile soul and guide them towards the elusive shores of self-forgiveness. Just like you, they didn’t deserve their suffering, you are one in the same, connected forever by the fabric of the universe you’re made of, the experiences you’ve had together, and they need your help.
In the crucible of understanding, you grasp the magnitude of their suffering, realizing that they too bear the weight of guilt and remorse for the harm inflicted upon you. Their inability to seek forgiveness, shrouded by the veil of unforgiving circumstances, condemns them to a perpetual cycle of anguish and despair—a fate devoid of solace or redemption, a fate worse than death.
In your now boundless empathy, you recognize the injustice of their plight—the cruel irony of a soul condemned to eternal torment. Moved by compassion, you resolve to become a beacon of light in their shadowed existence, offering the possibility of absolution and healing. For you understand that true justice lies not in vengeance, but in the transformative power of empathy and forgiveness.
You find yourself kneeling before the child version of your abuser, witnessing their past traumas unravel before your eyes. In this moment, you grasp the intricate forces shaping them. Opting for forgiveness, you wrap your abuser in an embrace reminiscent of the compassion you once extended to your younger self.
A new presence materializes on your shoulder, prompting a subtle smirk the two squiggly balls join as one and begin shrinking again. With newfound clarity, you resolve to bear their burden, equipped with the wisdom to confront evil head-on. As the adult confronting your abuser, who remains ensnared in a child's mindset, you make a solemn vow. You pledge to shield this inner child—your abuser—against their own inner turmoil, prepared to defend them with unwavering determination.
Realizing that your abuser never sought the role of tormentor, but rather stumbled along a path of mental illness and anguish, you extend the olive branch of forgiveness. For in the face of shared suffering, revenge loses its bitter allure, replaced by the healing balm of empathy and reconciliation you only want to break the circle of abuse.
You sympathize with your abuser now fully understanding the mental illness that has its hooks in them. It wasn’t their fault they abused you, fault lies within the mental illness and evil itself.
Embrace the realization that you have weathered the storm of pure evil before comprehending its true form, emerging unscathed by the grace of experience. For now, armed with the wisdom of adulthood and the fortitude of survival, you transcend the realm of vulnerability, emerging as an indomitable force in this world. You are reborn into adulthood.
Facing your trauma is confronting a demon from your past—evil that has haunted the corridors of your mind, influenced your actions, and shaped your perceptions from the shadows.
The child cowering in fear, with eyes clenched shut, represents the most vulnerable parts of yourself. These are the aspects that you've perhaps sought to protect, ignore, or even forget, in an attempt to shield yourself from the pain and fear that the trauma brings.
In this moment of realization, when you recognize that you are, in fact, the child in the midst of trauma, an interesting shift occurs. It's as if time folds in on itself, and you're transported back to that pivotal point of your life. This isn't mere recollection; it's an immersive re-experiencing of the emotions, sensations, and fears that were imprinted on you at that time.
This confrontation is not about dwelling in the past but about acknowledging its impact on your present. By reopening these wounds in a controlled and conscious manner, ideally with the support of a therapeutic framework, you're given a chance to understand, process, and integrate these experiences into your narrative in a healthier way.
The act of "opening your eyes" within this memory signifies the courage to face the reality of what happened—to see it not through the lens of a terrified child but with the wisdom, context, and understanding of an adult. This perspective allows you to challenge the narratives you've constructed around your trauma: narratives that may include self-blame, shame, or a feeling of powerlessness.
By facing your trauma directly, you begin the process of reclaiming control over your reactions and emotions, you become emotionally mature. This doesn't mean the trauma loses its reality or impact, but rather that it ceases to be the sole author of your life story. You start to see pathways to healing, ways to dismantle the triggers that have held sway over you, and strategies to rebuild your sense of self beyond the confines of your past experiences.
This journey is undoubtedly challenging and may be marked by setbacks and moments of intense emotional pain. Yet, it is also a journey towards liberation—a step towards freeing yourself from the invisible chains that trauma has wrapped around your psyche. By facing the trauma, acknowledging it, and working through it, you pave the way for a future where you are defined not by what happened to you, but by who you choose to become despite it.

You soon realize that this isn't a consequence of your actions; you were not condemned to hell, it's a result of the trauma inflicted upon you when you were defenseless as a child. Orchestrated by individuals grappling with the same mental illness, this cycle perpetuates the sickness, turning victims into enablers or perpetrators themselves. Like an insidious virus, it stealthily spreads, inflicting mental illness upon its victims. It operates invisibly, yet its effects are destructive to the physical world we inhabit.
You didn't deserve to suffer, and it wasn't your fault. The presence of evil in this world is a fundamental aspect of its existence. Your experiences were the result of the hand you were dealt in navigating this intricate existence, alongside the unavoidable reality of evil. This evil is the price you had to pay to be here.
This pivotal moment summons forth your inner courage, reminiscent of the wonder and safety of childhood—a fleeting sanctuary in an otherwise tumultuous world. Seize back this sense of security, transforming your trauma into a mere blemish on your past.
Confront your inner child with compassion, acknowledge the injustice inflicted upon you, declare defiance against the forces of evil that sought to harm you. Embrace your newfound resilience, declaring yourself the guardian of your own well-being, firmly rooted in the vastness of the universe itself.
Having endured the depths of hell before even comprehending the nature of evil, your journey through life has bestowed upon you a profound understanding. Armed with the wisdom garnered from lived experiences, you come to a realization—you are untouchable in this world, logic will always protect you.
Recovery and Forgiveness
Hopelessness can lead someone to consider suicide because it engulfs them in a pervasive sense of despair and defeat. When individuals feel hopeless, they may believe that their problems are insurmountable and that there is no possibility of things getting better. This feeling of hopelessness can distort their perception of reality, making them unable to see any alternative solutions or positive outcomes.
They may experience an extreme sense of worthlessness, feeling like they are fundamentally flawed or incapable of ever finding happiness or relief from their suffering. This despair can lead to a loss of motivation to seek help or engage in coping strategies, as they may feel emotionally drained and isolated.
Additionally, they may perceive themselves as a burden to others, further intensifying their feelings of despair and hopelessness. Without hope for a better future, suicide may seem like the only way to escape their pain and suffering.
Finding forgiveness for oneself when guilt is driving someone towards suicide is crucial for several reasons:
  1. Breaks the Cycle of Self-Destruction
    Guilt can create a vicious cycle of self-blame and self-punishment, leading to feelings of worthlessness and despair. Forgiving oneself disrupts this cycle, allowing individuals to move away from self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.

  2. Promotes Healing and Self-Compassion
    Forgiveness is an act of self-compassion. It involves acknowledging one's mistakes or shortcomings without condemning oneself indefinitely. By extending forgiveness to oneself, individuals acknowledge their humanity, accept imperfections, and allow room for healing to begin.

  3. Restores Inner Peace and Mental Well-Being
    Guilt can consume a person's mental and emotional well-being, leading to intense suffering. Forgiving oneself can bring inner peace and relief from the burdensome weight of guilt. It allows individuals to let go of past regrets and focus on building a positive future.

  4. Encourages Growth and Personal Development
    Forgiveness opens the door to growth and personal development. It enables individuals to learn from their mistakes, make amends where possible, and strive to become better versions of themselves. Instead of being trapped in a cycle of self-condemnation, forgiveness empowers individuals to channel their energy into positive change.

  5. Strengthens Resilience and Coping Skills
    When individuals forgive themselves, they cultivate resilience and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Rather than resorting to suicidal thoughts as a means of escape from guilt, they learn to confront challenges with greater resilience and adaptive strategies.

  6. Fosters Connection and Support
    Seeking forgiveness for oneself can also involve reaching out to others for support and understanding. Sharing one's struggles with trusted individuals can provide validation, empathy, and perspective, reinforcing the belief that forgiveness is attainable and worth pursuing.

  7. Honors the Value of Life
    Forgiveness acknowledges the inherent value of one's own life. It affirms that every individual is deserving of compassion, understanding, and a second chance, even from oneself. By choosing forgiveness over despair, individuals affirm their worth and reaffirm their commitment to living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
In essence, finding forgiveness for oneself when guilt is driving a person towards suicide is a transformative process that requires courage, self-compassion, and resilience. It is an essential step towards healing, inner peace, and reclaiming one's sense of worth and purpose in life. Forgiveness flourishes with calm understanding.
Expanding Contentment
Once processing traumatic events in a healthy way is learned, it is advised to search your entire past, recognizing, and facing those traumatic events now as a rational adult fully equipped with logic and reason.
You can handle this now because you are no longer a child, you are no longer delusional about your reality. You are an emotionally mature adult protected by the logic that created you.
Facing all traumatic events and working to extinguish their source of anxiety can be very beneficial for personal growth for several reasons:
  1. Emotional Healing
    When individuals confront their trauma, they give themselves an opportunity to process and heal from the emotional wounds they've sustained. Avoidance or denial of trauma can lead to prolonged suffering, while facing it head-on allows for the acknowledgment of pain and the beginning of the healing process.

  2. Self-Awareness
    Confronting trauma often involves delving into one's own psyche and past experiences. This introspection fosters self-awareness as individuals gain insights into their own behaviors, thought patterns, and emotional reactions. Through this process, they can better understand themselves and their triggers, leading to greater emotional intelligence.

  3. Resilience Building
    Confronting trauma requires courage and strength. As individuals navigate through the difficult emotions and memories associated with their trauma, they develop resilience. This resilience serves them well in facing future challenges and adversities, knowing they have the capacity to endure and overcome difficult circumstances.

  4. Empowerment
    By actively addressing their trauma, individuals take control of their own narrative and reclaim power over their lives. Rather than being defined or controlled by past experiences, they empower themselves to shape their present and future. This sense of agency can be incredibly empowering and can lead to greater confidence and self-efficacy.

  5. Improved Relationships
    Trauma can have a significant impact on interpersonal relationships, leading to communication barriers, trust issues, and conflicts. By addressing and resolving trauma, individuals can break free from patterns of behavior that may be negatively affecting their relationships. They can develop healthier ways of relating to others, leading to more fulfilling connections and deeper intimacy.

  6. Liberation from Anxiety
    Trauma often manifests as anxiety, as individuals may experience heightened fear, hypervigilance, or intrusive thoughts related to their past experiences. By confronting and processing the trauma, individuals can gradually reduce the intensity of these anxiety symptoms. This liberation from anxiety allows them to live more fully in the present moment and pursue their goals and aspirations without the constant burden of fear and apprehension.
Overall, facing trauma and extinguishing its source of anxiety from one's life is a courageous and transformative journey that can lead to personal growth, emotional healing, and empowerment. It enables individuals to break free from the shackles of their past and create a brighter, more fulfilling future for themselves.
Part IV Politics
Religion and politics are deeply ingrained components of an individual's belief system, shaping their worldview and guiding their actions. From this viewpoint, there's a contention that Christianity and Republicans, as well as Wokeism and Democrat ideals, are not just aligned but interchangeable. They are perceived as representing the same fundamental concept of original sin, albeit through different lenses.
Drawing parallels between Christianity and Republican ideology, and between Wokeism and Democrat principles, suggests a fusion of religious and political ideologies. In this interpretation, they are seen not as opposing forces but as different manifestations of the same ideological spectrum.
They are associated with the concept of original sin and, by extension, with Satanism. This association implies a critique of the moral integrity of both major political parties and their ideological counterparts.
Regardless of the choice made at the ballot box, the outcome remains unchanged, with power ultimately serving entrenched interests rather than the collective welfare of the populace.
The exclusion of third-party candidates from the electoral process reinforce this narrative of systemic stagnation. From this perspective, the absence of viable alternatives limits the potential for meaningful change and perpetuates a status quo that benefits those in power.
The intertwining of religion and politics suggests that both major parties and their associated ideologies perpetuate a cycle of oppression and servitude. It describes a sense of disillusionment with the political process and a belief in the need for fundamental change to break free from this perceived cycle of stagnation and subjugation.
Historically, the Republican Party has championed principles such as limited government intervention, family values, and fiscal responsibility, which could be interpreted as aligning with the betterment of society as a whole.
However, this perspective argues that the Republican Party has undergone a significant transformation, particularly through the injection of a specific religious ideology, often associated with personal interpretations of Christianity. This infusion of religious fervor is criticized for distorting the party's original principles and steering it towards what is perceived as a psychologically abusive and self-serving agenda.
The characterization of this ideology as "satanic" and "psychologically abusive" suggests a belief that it manipulates individuals through fear, guilt, and control mechanisms, rather than fostering genuine collective welfare. The injection of personal religious beliefs into political discourse is viewed as a perversion of the separation of church and state, with the party prioritizing the imposition of religious values over the broader societal good.
Moreover, the perspective contends that this ideological shift has done little to counter what it perceives as the selfishness and immaturity of the opposing political faction, often associated with the political left. Rather than offering a constructive alternative, the Republican Party's focus on personal religious beliefs is seen as exacerbating division and polarization, ultimately hindering efforts to address societal challenges and foster genuine progress.
This is a critical analysis of the perceived control mechanisms wielded by both major political parties in the United States, framing them as the same side of the same coin.
This perspective posits that Republicans utilize the religious framework of Christianity, often centered around the concept of original sin, as a means of controlling their constituents.
Similarly, it suggests that the Democratic Party employs the ideology of Wokeism, characterized by its focus on social justice and awareness of systemic injustices, as its tool of control.
The comparison between Christianity and Wokeism as "original sin religions" highlights a belief in their shared function of instilling a sense of guilt or moral obligation in adherents, thereby exerting influence over their behavior and beliefs. This framing suggests a perceived parallel between religious doctrine and ideological dogma in their ability to shape political discourse and manipulate public opinion.
Both major parties are ultimately controlled by unelected oligarchies or entrenched elites who manipulate the political process behind the scenes. These puppeteers are believed to manipulate wealth and power, effectively dictating the actions and agendas of the politicians they support.
The perspective suggests that the establishment utilizes propaganda and smear campaigns to demonize opposing viewpoints and maintain its grip on power. By framing political discourse in terms of ideological warfare, the establishment seeks to distract from underlying issues of wealth and power imbalance, ensuring that the status quo remains intact.
This frames both major political parties and entrenched elites as agents of control who manipulate religious and ideological frameworks to maintain power and suppress dissent. It is a loss of faith with the political process and a belief in the need for systemic change to break free from perceived manipulation and oppression.
This is the root of our oppression, the architects of our subjugation. Across generations, the trauma of slavery and warfare seeps through the veins of our family histories. They are the ones who seek to ensnare you within the confines of original sin, entrapped by the confines of your illusory faith. Driven by fear and desperation, you find yourself willing to comply with their every demand in search of safety.
A backlash against Wokeism is coming, fueled by a collective realization of the societal repercussions of extreme individualism. As individuals grapple with the consequences of extreme Individualism.
Despite these pressing issues, the focus remains on expanding prisons rather than investing in mental health institutions to address underlying societal mental health.
However, the impending backlash may inadvertently lead many to gravitate towards the Republican side, unaware of the potential pitfalls. In doing so, they risk entrenching themselves in a system characterized by what is perceived as a form of mental slavery, another form of Satanism. Just as the left employs censorship under the guise of combating "hate speech," there's a concern that Republicans may use scripture to justify oppressive measures, thus perpetuating tyranny under the guise of religious righteousness.
Hate Speech
In the discourse surrounding free speech, the concept is often presented in binary terms, highlighting a stark division between having the freedom to express oneself and being subject to restrictions on speech. This binary perspective stems from the ultimate failure of legal frameworks and societal norms that fail to draw clear lines between protected forms of expression and speech that is restricted or prohibited.
In many democratic societies, laws and constitutional provisions explicitly outline the boundaries of permissible speech, with certain categories, such as political dissent or artistic expression, afforded robust protections, while others, like hate speech or incitement to violence, are subject to legal constraints.
This dichotomous view suggests that individuals either enjoy the full breadth of free speech rights or face limitations on their ability to express themselves.
The binary framing of free speech is evident in the way it is often conceptualized as an inherent and indivisible right. Advocates for free speech argue that individuals should have the unfettered liberty to express their opinions, ideas, and beliefs without fear of censorship or reprisal.
From this perspective, any infringement on speech, no matter how minimal, represents a violation of this fundamental right. Conversely, proponents of speech restrictions contend that certain forms of expression pose tangible harms to individuals or society, necessitating limitations on free speech to protect public safety, social cohesion, and the rights of marginalized groups, the slippery slope of censorship.
The binary nature of free speech is reflected in the way it is codified and enforced within legal systems. Courts and lawmakers often grapple with delineating clear boundaries between protected and restricted speech, relying on categorical distinctions to adjudicate cases involving speech-related issues. This approach reinforces the notion that individuals either fall within the realm of free speech or are subject to limitations imposed by law or social norms.
Concerns arise regarding the ambiguity and subjectivity inherent in determining what constitutes hate speech. Without a clear delineation between protected and restricted speech, there is potential for abuse and manipulation by those in positions of power who are tasked with making such determinations.
When free speech is not viewed as a binary concept, but rather as a spectrum with varying degrees of protection, the lines between legitimate expression and hate speech become blurred. This lack of clarity can lead to arbitrary censorship and suppression of dissenting viewpoints under the guise of combating hate speech.
Furthermore, without clear guidelines, the interpretation of hate speech becomes highly subjective, allowing for bias and personal agendas to influence decisions. This creates a chilling effect on free expression, as individuals may self-censor out of fear of being labeled as engaging in hate speech, even when expressing legitimate opinions or engaging in political discourse.
In such a scenario, those vested with the authority to determine what constitutes hate speech wield immense power over public discourse, potentially stifling dissent and marginalizing minority viewpoints. This sets a dangerous precedent where censorship is normalized, undermining the foundational principles of free speech and democratic governance.
Recognizing free speech as a binary concept is crucial for safeguarding individual liberties and promoting a robust exchange of ideas in society. It provides a necessary framework for holding authorities accountable and upholding the principles of free expression without fear of arbitrary censorship or repression.
The concept that you don't truly own anything stems from various philosophical and existential perspectives. Here's an explanation:
  1. Transience of Life:
    At its core, this idea suggests that everything in life is transient, including life itself. No matter what possessions or attachments we accumulate during our lifetime, we ultimately leave them behind at death. This includes our physical body, which is ephemeral and will eventually perish.

  2. Ownership as a Social Construct:
    Ownership is a societal concept, defined by legal frameworks and cultural norms. We may possess things during our lifetime, but this possession is temporary and conditional. The notion of ownership implies control and exclusivity, but ultimately, it is a construct that doesn't hold up in the face of mortality.

  3. Interconnectedness:
    From a philosophical standpoint, everything in the universe is interconnected. The boundaries we draw around what we consider "ours" are arbitrary and ultimately illusory. We are part of a larger web of existence, and the idea of owning something separate from this interconnected whole is a misconception.

  4. Impermanence:
    All material possessions are subject to decay, loss, or change over time. Even if we perceive ourselves as owners of something, we cannot prevent the eventual loss or deterioration of that thing. Our attachment to possessions often leads to suffering when we are inevitably separated from them.

  5. Attachment and Ego:
    The concept of ownership is closely tied to the ego and our sense of identity. We derive a sense of security, status, or satisfaction from the things we own. However, this attachment reinforces the illusion of separateness and can hinder spiritual growth or enlightenment.
The idea that we don't truly own anything arises from recognizing the impermanence of life, the transient nature of material possessions, and the interconnectedness of all things.
While we may have temporary control or possession of objects during our lifetime, ultimately, we cannot take anything with us beyond death, challenging the notion of ownership altogether.
Money doesn't truly exist. This is a philosophical perspective that challenges the conventional understanding of wealth and value.
  1. Money as a Symbol:
    Money is essentially a symbol, a representation of value that facilitates transactions in society. It's a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. However, its value is not inherent; it's derived from collective belief and societal agreement.

  2. Wealth Beyond Money:
    While money can provide access to resources and opportunities, true wealth extends beyond monetary possessions. It encompasses various aspects of life, including relationships, experiences, knowledge, skills, and personal well-being.

  3. Value Creation:
    From the perspective that money doesn't truly exist, the real measure of wealth lies in what one can contribute or bring to the world. This could be through creative expression, acts of kindness, innovation, knowledge sharing, or any form of value creation that positively impacts others and the world at large.

  4. Living in the Present Moment:
    Recognizing that the only wealth one truly possesses is what they can bring to the world in the present moment emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and being fully present in one's actions and interactions. It encourages focusing on the here and now, rather than being preoccupied with accumulating material possessions or chasing after future financial gains.

  5. Fulfillment and Purpose:
    Pursuing activities and endeavors that align with one's values, passions, and talents can lead to a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose. This perspective shifts the focus from mere accumulation to meaningful contribution, fostering a sense of richness in life that transcends monetary wealth.
The notion that money doesn't truly exist reframes the concept of wealth, highlighting the importance of non-material aspects of life and emphasizing the value of what one can bring to the world in the present moment. This perspective encourages a shift towards a more holistic understanding of wealth and a focus on creating positive impact and meaning in one's life and the lives of others.
Viewing money as a symbol rather than an intrinsic form of wealth opens up a broader perspective on what true wealth entails. Instead of focusing solely on financial assets, this viewpoint encourages consideration of non-material aspects of life.
True wealth encompasses experiences, relationships, knowledge, skills, and personal well-being. It emphasizes the value of what one can contribute to the world in the present moment, whether through acts of kindness, creativity, innovation, or knowledge sharing.
By shifting the focus from mere accumulation to meaningful contribution, individuals can find deeper fulfillment and purpose in their lives. This perspective invites mindfulness and living in the present moment, fostering a richer appreciation for life beyond monetary measures. Ultimately, understanding that the essence of wealth lies in what one can bring to the world highlights the importance of leading a purposeful and impactful existence.
In our society, wealth tends to accumulate over generations within families. This accumulated wealth often gives advantages to the descendants, much like how royalty passes down power and privilege to their children without those children necessarily having to earn or justify their positions.
With current generational wealth, over time, families amass wealth through various means such as investments, property ownership, or successful businesses. This wealth is then inherited by the next generation, creating a cycle where certain families maintain economic advantages simply by virtue of their lineage.
In traditional monarchies or aristocracies, power and status are typically inherited. Children of monarchs or nobles are born into positions of authority without necessarily having to demonstrate their abilities or earn their leadership roles based on merit.
The breakdown of society arises from the perpetuation of inequality and lack of meritocracy.
When wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of a few families or individuals, it can lead to disparities in opportunities, education, and access to resources. This creates a divide between the wealthy and the rest of society, exacerbating social and economic inequality.
A meritocratic society rewards individuals based on their abilities, talents, and hard work rather than their family background or inherited wealth. When wealth and power are passed down without regard to merit, it can undermine the principles of meritocracy and create resentment among those who feel disadvantaged by the system.
Overall, the comparison highlights how the perpetuation of generational wealth can mirror the dynamics of royalty passing down power, both of which can contribute to a breakdown in social cohesion and fairness within society.
Power Structures
In the context of capitalism, socialism, and communism, power structures represent the organizational frameworks through which economic, political, and social power are distributed and exercised within a society.
In capitalism, economic power predominantly resides in the hands of private individuals and corporations who own and control the means of production, shaping the distribution of wealth and resources through market mechanisms. This economic dominance often translates into political influence, with wealthier individuals and corporations wielding significant power through lobbying, campaign financing, and other forms of political participation. Social power in capitalist societies tends to be closely tied to economic status, fostering hierarchies based on wealth and social class.
In contrast, socialism seeks to redistribute economic power more equitably, often through state or collective ownership of key industries and resources, with the state playing a prominent role in economic planning and regulation.
Political power in socialist systems can vary, ranging from democratic socialism with elected governments to more centralized or authoritarian regimes. Social power in socialist societies often emphasizes collective welfare and worker rights, aiming to mitigate disparities in wealth and promote solidarity among citizens.
Finally, communism envisions the abolition of private property and the collective ownership of the means of production, with economic decisions made based on communal needs.
In communist societies, political power is typically concentrated in a single ruling party or leadership, with the state exercising centralized control over economic and social affairs. The goal is to create a classless society where power differentials based on wealth and social status are eliminated, although in practice, hierarchical power structures have often emerged within communist regimes.
Power structures such as capitalism, socialism, and communism can have both positive and negative outcomes depending on how they are implemented and the values guiding their operation. When these systems are founded on principles of fairness, equity, and social responsibility, they have the potential to benefit society by promoting economic prosperity, social welfare, and individual well-being.
For example, capitalism, when regulated to prevent monopolies and exploitation, can foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Socialism, when focused on providing essential services and reducing inequalities, can ensure access to healthcare, education, and social safety nets for all citizens. Similarly, communism, when practiced with the intention of creating a classless society and ensuring collective ownership and decision-making, can promote social justice and solidarity.
However, these power structures can also yield negative outcomes when driven by selfishness, greed, and exploitation. In capitalist systems where profit maximization is prioritized above all else, income inequality can widen, labor rights can be neglected, and environmental degradation can occur.
Similarly, socialism, when implemented without sufficient checks and balances, may lead to bureaucratic inefficiencies, stifled innovation, and dependence on government support.
In communist regimes characterized by authoritarianism and centralized control, individual freedoms can be suppressed, dissent can be silenced, and corruption can flourish.
Therefore, the ethical conduct and governance of these power structures play a crucial role in determining their impact on society. Fair practices, transparency, accountability, and a commitment to serving the common good are essential for harnessing the potential benefits of capitalism, socialism, and communism while mitigating their potential harms.
By prioritizing the well-being of all members of society, fostering cooperation and mutual respect, and addressing the root causes of injustice and inequality, these power structures can be directed towards creating a more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive world.
The United States is currently in a situation where the corporations that provide our essential goods and services hand picks the candidates by buying them out, then allows themselves to essentially run the country into the ground with greed and exploitation, causing suffering and injecting the virus of trauma into the families of the working class. Only a slave would do back breaking labor for minimum wage.
They have become a class of unelected rulers. And they have us busy pointing fingers at each other for not voting for the preferred puppet. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, if they weren’t already bought and paid for then they wouldn’t be in the primaries to begin with.
The Apocalypse
You’ve been so abused by your slave masters that you can’t imagine a world without them. Satanism being the only ideology you were aware of.
It’s time for us to pass our Great Filter, for us to reject all original sin religions, reject all psychological abuse, reject the mental slavery, and stop the incoming apocalypse of the west from happening.
Perhaps the cosmic design of our universe dictates that regardless of the moral compass of a species, it inexorably trends towards self-extinction before reappearing on another planet hurtling through the cosmos, ensconced within the confines of a black hole. It's a notion wrapped neatly with a bow, a beginning and an end, creating a context that is understandable, encapsulating the human experience currently on the planet we've dubbed Earth.
Maybe this holy war was destined for defeat from the outset, as the technological prowess of an intelligent species invariably outpaces its moral evolution, ultimately leading to its own demise. Our species true Great Filter. The relentless pursuit of contentment, once the caretaker of life, now serves as its harbinger of destruction. The scales always tipping to the side of extinction.
In an alternative scenario, the emergence of an omniscient species, one who has surpassed all of its Great Filters, possessing the intelligence to create the technology to predict the future with absolute certainty, would inevitably rob existence of its meaning and therefore purpose. It would become a single communicating unit, it would become God rebuilt.
We've already invented brain chips, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, we're not as far away from this as we think. It's conceivable that a species, having reached such heights of advancement, would create a hyper-realistic virtual reality—an intricately woven illusion in which we likely currently reside.
This life being a safe sandbox with padded walls to play in, where you can experience consciousness and evil to its fullest, in an advanced species that refuses to do so in their own world. On a planet and in a time where we're smart enough to figure out how to find contentment, but not smart enough to unite again as God.
Time now being inconsequential outside of our virtual reality, it seems we may die in this world just to pop into another conception, in another womb, in another family as you enjoy yet another unique experience in this world. Falling asleep every night simulating our death, only to reawaken to experience another day of consciousness gives us a strong indication of reincarnation. A mind being a terrible thing to waste.
This could be how a universe is created and explains its infinite nature. It is an object that creates the things that create itself where the process is governed by logic and physics in such a way that makes the rebuilding of this God species inevitable.
This all happening inside of a paradox that needs no space, time, matter or dimensions to hold it, only being "real" from the perspective of its inhabitants. The outside of our universe appearing as an incoherent paradox to us, our creators time moving so much slower than ours that we can't comprehend it.
Never truly dying, you only cease to control the body and life you are currently in. Then pop up again with no recollection of your previous life, you get to figure it all out again as though it was the first time. And as always, consciousness leaves you breathless.
In the context of our lives, it doesn't matter if we are reincarnated or not, we'll never know regardless, that would diminish the experience that is consciousness.
Do we persist in subjecting the overwhelming majority of our species to enslavement, all in the pursuit of engineering our own destruction? Alternatively, should we embrace our reality as it stands, acknowledging the constraints of our physical forms, and prioritize the richness of the human experience over relentless technological progress?
This is the choice presented to us as the children of logic, the angels of God, given the choice to fight for Heaven or Hell. That is why we are here.

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